Friday, January 23, 2009

The World We Live In - A Greeting Card's Story

So, I was looking for a free e-card for my brother because I'm cheap, but I still wanted to show how very proud I am of him. Today is his 1-year sobriety anniversary.

As I looked for a card that said, "Congrats," I found 2 things that I annoyed me. One was that every single congrats card I looked at had alcohol on it. Champagne bottles graced them all. Nice. How in the world do you send that for a sobriety birthday?

Second, I found this gem. Can you believe that!!!! Congrats on finally getting divorced??? Ugh. What has this world come to? (Although, I have to admit that I did find it funny that both halves of the heart had men on them. Hmmmmm... what is that? Congrats on your gay divorce?)

Anyway, apparently, we can't celebrate without booze, and we're happy for divorce. Man...


  1. Sad... though I'm not surprised. I drink occasionally, and have no problem with alcohol in general. I do, however, know a lot of people in sobriety and so I have grown incredible conscience of how prevalently alcohol is marketed. It really is everywhere. Just like, I am yet to see a movie (mainstream) that doesn't show a beer AT LEAST.

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Man...that is so so sad. And weird. If I worked for a greeting card company, I'd have a hard time taking the assignment from my boss, "Hey, come up with a card for divorce and make it chipper!"

  3. While It's a bit annoying, the greeting card situation, the gay divorce card gave me a much needed laugh! It looks like one of those things that Jay Leno would show on the LATE show.

  4. Well, in the theme of "the world we live in"-- Why can't I find a pair of sweats that don't have something written across the bum? Or a dressy top that doesn't further accentuate body parts that pretty well announce themselves without help? :)

    Also, cool that you're on SparkPeople! How's it going for you?

  5. Hip Mama... I totally agree. It definitely brightened up a really sad commentary.

    Su, Spark People rocks. I absolutely love it. I get some good motivation on there from some of the teams that I joined, and it really helps me to track my calories and exercise time. It also has a recipe calculator that I use a lot, and it's amazing to see how some things have TONS of calories that you wouldn't think, and others (such as my yummy cookies that I'm making right now) aren't as bad for you as you thought they might be.

  6. I happened across your blog because I'm looking for a congratulations on the divorce greeting card. My brother and his soon-to-be-ex-wife have been "divorced" in the eyes of everyone they know, living apart, in serious relationships with new women (yes, her, too), for almost 9 years, and they are FINALLY getting it filed officially. I think congratulations are in order in this case.

  7. Kim,

    I disagree. Divorce is the tearing apart of one flesh, and it leaves everyone involved injured.

    I think it's sad when people stop working on their marriages, and to have relationships with other women while one is still married is adultery, regardless of where someone is living.

    Of course, God is gracious, and I pray that your brother and his wife will be healed from the pain that this process has caused.


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