Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My Dave Ramsey Sweatshirt

So, it's no secret that Billy and I have been doing the Dave Ramsey thing for a few months now. And honestly, it's been easier than either of us thought it would be. It's actually probably contributed to the health of our marriage. We've learned to resolve conflicts and to work toward a common goal. But what I'm most excited about today is the sweatshirt that Dave Ramsey bought for me.

Well, alright... but whatever. Like it's been FOREVER since I actually bought any clothes, mainly because there was always something better to do with the money. There was stuff like, you know, dish soap and milk, or toilet paper and TVP. The point is that new clothes are a rare thing at the Chia place.

No wonder I was so excited about my Building Church shirt.

But now... well, see, now we are really kickin it, cause I actually have "blow" money. Because we're budgeting every dollar on paper, on purpose before the month starts, we suddenly found that we can afford what we need to on our income. Imagine that!

The result of this, though, is that I get to actually keep gift money that I get. So, my Christmas money was actually MY CHIRSTMAS MONEY! Yeah... I know... novel concept, but last year, I felt guilty to spend that money on myself. This year, I proudly wear my Kermit skull sweatshirt (which, by the way, I got on clearance for $8.00, in case anyone's counting.)
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  1. So awesome! :) How are you doing Dave Ramsey? Did you buy the program or are you doing it through church?

  2. We got our small group at church to all buy the book Total Money Makeover and the accompanying workbook. So, for 10 weeks, we all went through those together (one of our families also bought a few of the DVDs that are available individually, and that helped break up the monotony).

    I know that Financial Peace University is a great program, but we couldn't commit the time on top of our already established small group, so we opted for this alternative (which was also cheaper, but probably didn't have as much accountability as the actual class has).

  3. Well, we aren't at the "blow money" part...but GOOD FOR YOU! Yea! Dave Ramsey is coming to town end of this month and my husband said I should email him and say that we really want to come, but the only way we can afford the ticket ($38 per/person) would be to put it on a Credit Card. HA! He's hoping we get free tickets :) We just read the book. I didn't know there was a workbook...and financial peace was too expensive.

    BTW, thanks for the encouragement on my last post. :0)

  4. Cute Sweatshirt. I want one.

  5. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I like it, too...the sweatshirt that is. Well, I like Dave's program, too, but you knew that already.

    I tell ya...I'm at the stage where I feel guilty spending Christmas money on myself. I did buy a pair of Cargos, a pink vest, and a black shirt with part of my money, but I had $24 left over and spent it on groceries. That was the first time I had bought new clothes in a long while, so that part felt good. So I can relate :)

  6. Ok, you and your mohak husband are just weird, I'm convinced. haha! Congrats on the Dave Ramsey sweatshirt. I'm getting to spend my own blow money AND I got a "clothing allowance" this month. NICE


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