Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Precious Chef

For Christmas, a close friend of my mom's surprised my family with a box of presents shipped straight to our door. It was awesome. Ashlyn got a doll, I got a bread serving tray (which I used for my delicious Tastefully Simple Beer Bread - thanks, Jean!).

Those presents were great, but Eve really hit the jackpot with her gift. It's a vintage-y Better Homes and Gardens Jr. Cookbook... a new book that is an exact replica of the 1955 book. She was thrilled. I've been bringing her into the kitchen with me a little more often lately, anyway, so this gift gave us a great way to really help her learn to do things. In fact, she actually made our Christmas Eve meal, mostly on her own.

It took me a while to get things organized after the holidays, but here are some pix of what we feasted on December 24th.

That girl is one precious little chef.


  1. that cookbook is LOVELY! I love it... I should cook more with Gen.

  2. Love this! Way to go Eve! It all looks delicious. Retro cook books are so much fun!


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