Sunday, January 18, 2009

Real Resolutions

A couple weeks ago, I post my New Year's Resolutions. These were, of course, a joke (even though that blood thing would really make my meals more appetizing). I usually don't believe in resolutions because I feel like they're usually just a way to feel like a failure.

But I also realize that there's value to writing down goals, so being inspired by my friend Misty's success and my Pastor Paul's current sermon series, here's a look into what's on my heart for where I'd like to see my life going:

1. Continue to declutter my life. Sometimes, I look around and think "man... I have nothing left. I'm done. I've arrived at simplicity." Other times, I look at the messy living room and think, "For all the decluttering I do, how do we have so much junk!?!"

Decluttering, though, is also about time. Paul talked a couple of weeks ago about forming margin by being intentional to be "productive" at certain times so that we can have that relaxing time -- time to just be in the presence of God, to spend in relationship to our family, and to just not be always going.

2. Love my neighbors. This one was heavily inspired by hearing the vision Trey had for the church he's planting in Evansville. I probably never had much of a heart for serving my neighbors before that. I wanted to get to know them, but probably more because I wanted to know who lived near me so I could have someone to get my mail if I went out of town or something. But Trey talked a lot about the need for community that people have and that he wanted his church to be about loving neighborhoods. This sounded like something I could do. And something I wanted to do.

3. Give Generously. In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul (the apostle, not my pastor!) writes about the generosity of the Macedonians. He writes that they gave above their means. This is compelling to me. Billy and I are doing the debt-free thing, and making good progress, and sometimes, it can get easy to get selfish about that... wanting to use all our money to pay off our van, instead of helping people out. We know that it's a good thing to pay off debt, but we also need to keep our heart attitude in check. Our reason for paying off debt is to be more free to give, and sometimes, that giving will need to happen before our debt is paid. I am praying that God will bless me with a giving heart this year.

4. Live in Community with Other Believers. According to Rick Warren (who probably knows) there are a million verses about "one another" in the New Testament. (Well, ok... I don't remember how many he said there are, but the point is there's a lot.) Community is so important to my own personal faith and to the body of Christ as a whole. So, Billy and I are excited to get plugged into a small group through church and be able to find people to weep with, and laugh with, to struggle with and support. We're willing to be vulnerable and open so that we can experience the fellowship of oneness that Christ wants for his Church.

5. Live a life that changes the one living it and the one looking at it. So, that's a tall order, but God is powerful. I'm trusting in Him to fulfill His promise to give me abundant life and to use me to draw others to Him.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Good goals to have. I hope you and Billy get hooked into a smallgroup that become like family to you guys, and for you and the girls to be likie family to them.

    I have been so blessed to be part of a smallgroup to be honest with, to encourage me (I hope I reciprocate that to them too) especially when sometimes I find being part of 'big church' tough.

  2. this a great list of goals, Sarah!

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I agree, goals beat out resolutions anyday. Being the planner that I am, I'm going to revisit my long term goals. Or at least, it's on my to-do list.


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