Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So, I guess all the bloggers are posting resolutions for the year. Here are my top 4.

Parental: Teach Ashlyn to let me go to the bathroom by myself.

Physical: Figure out why Native American War dances haven't gotten as trendy an exercise as Yoga routines. (Hello... have you seen those! Talk about intense cardio!) If I have time, I will then attempt to convince the world that they should be.

Domestical: Learn to cook meat without getting the grossy cooked blood gook all over it. Seriously. Does anyone know how to do this? I have watched A LOT of cooking shows and this has never come up. Not once.

Marriagal: Kick Billy's butt at DDR. There's nothing better for a marriage than competition, from what I hear.

(If you don't know those last two categories, then you totally need to get out more.)

What are yours?


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    What's DDR?

  2. I'm going to do a post using your categories. I am so feeling the Native American dancing! Good luck getting to go to the bathroom by yourself.

  3. i agree whole heartedly when it comes to competition. All bets are off this year... my man better watch out...

    and honestly, what grossy blood stuff?

  4. LA - DDR = Dance Dance Revolution, a video game. If you don't know about this, you need to move to America, as it is better than all other motives for living.

    Kara - looking forward to seeing yours.

    Misty - you don't get gooey cooked blood when you make anything with any kind of meat no matter what kind or how you prepare it? I must find your kind of meat.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hmmm...I'm not sure of this gooey cooked blood either. I only use ground turkey, but on the occasional time that I will use ground beef, I don't have that problem either. Hmmmm....hmmmm...hmmm...

  6. I know about the grossy stuff. It's like grey slime that coagulates on top of the meat.

    I know you were


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