Monday, January 12, 2009

De-Lurking Day

Apparently it's official De-Lurking Day. This is the day I've been waiting for all my blogging life, honestly. Because if you look over there ------>

You'll notice that I have somewhere around 30 readers on any given day.

But in you look at my comments, well.... where are y'all?

My husband tells me I don't give people easy things to comment on, so I thought this would be as easy as it gets.

Let me know you're out there, and who you are!

HT: Incognito Mom and Beth


  1. Hi. I'm not really a lurker, because I do comment on your blog.

    But hello, I'm Laura Anne more commonly known in the world of cyberspace as the Brunettekoala!

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Hey Sarah,
    I love reading your blog! Specially since your some one that I know. Somedays, I just dont have time to comment. But I will try my hardest to make comments!
    Take care,

  3. Hey,

    I'm around.


    ps. I mostly stick to fb for comments but i still read your blog.

  4. you know...
    on second thought i should comment on blogger more...

  5. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I'm here! You know that:)

  6. Anonymous9:28 PM


  7. Okay, so the little flasher-guy logo made me laugh out loud, so I'll comment. I stumbled on your blog from who-knows-where (maybe from a comment on the Shlog?) and just pop in to read now and then. I'm not a freaky stranger, I promise. :-)

  8. Thanks for the comments guys! My blogger self-worth just went up a notch or two. :)

  9. Anonymous4:21 PM

    @Tolling Ant - Ha ha! I never even noticed the we cartoon guy was flashing. Lol.


You got something to say? Let's talk!

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