Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ways to Save - Bonus Idea

And you all thought I only had 6 ideas for saving money for groceries.

But this one actually comes from someone else.

On Wednesday, Brian Seay wrote his 40-day-fast post for Compassion and shared something that his family does for dinner on a weekly basis.

Rice and Water.

That's it. Nothing more.

I think this is an amazing idea for 2 reasons.

First of all, it helps a family identify with another world that can so often slip from our thoughts. An ongoing commitment to eat a meager meal once a week reminds kids (and parents!) how much we really have. After all, we'll get up the next morning and eat something different. People in Africa, or China, or the DR will eat the same thing over and over and over.

This also helps to save grocery money. Billy and I talked last night about implementing this and intentionally using the money we save to feed someone who's starving. We haven't decided yet if that will be in the form of finding a child in another country or giving to a local ministry who feeds those in our own area. But the $20 that we save a month will not go toward buying more gas or paying for more A/C. It will go somewhere for God's work.

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