Sunday, June 01, 2008

June Goals

Here's how I did on goals for the month of May:
  • Work out 3 times a week - was more like 2, but it was something, at least.
  • Pick out photos for Ashlyn's first year baby book - we're up through 8 months on this one.
  • Figure out a scheduling/calendar system that works for us - looking good...Billy and I use GoogleCal to coordinate between the two of us, and I have a separate calendar book for taking with me. It's a little cumbersome to have both, but since I don't have a way to carry Google around, I have to use both for now.
  • Change address on magazine subscriptions - I called mags to do this, and found out that the post office did this one for me! How sweet of them.
  • Use the decluttering calendar a couple times a week - I only used it a couple time this month. The result is a couple of very organized dresser drawers. Long overdue!
  • Spending Fast Update - We did it! The only thing that we bought that was not a utility or food was a bathing suit for me. I know, I doesn't seem like a necessity, but trust me... when your plan is to stay home as much as possible all summer in order to save gas, you have to take advantage of the complex pool. I thought about putting the purchase off until June, but I was at Wal-mart getting diapers (total necessity!) and I figured I should just go ahead and get the suit to save another trip.

June's Goals -
Continue "real" exercise 2x a week, but also add in mini-sessions 2 evenings
Find out about new car and drivers' licenses
Decrease auto fuel usage by 10% (in terms of dollars!)
Figure out some ways to eat healthy and cut the grocery bill
File all my crazy papers/shred unneeded ones
Finish choosing photos for the baby book

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