Monday, June 23, 2008

This Week on This One Goes Out...

This week is the beginning of a powerful "event" called the 40 Day Fast. The deal is that various bloggers will be fasting one day each and writing about a cause that they are focusing their prayers on. I'll be participating on July 3rd to write about... something. I'll also to putting up a link in my sidebar to the featured bloggers. Be sure to check that out.

In a somewhat related topic...

This week, I'm also focusing on one of my goals for June. We were hoping to save money on groceries while keeping the health of the family in mind. This is a task and a half sometimes, as a lot of the money we currently spend is on fresh fruit and vegetable, whole wheat bread, and fresh meat. This is as opposed to canned foods, poser wheat bread, and frozen foods like chicken nuggets.

After the month's over, I'll give an update on all my goals. But for now, I thought I could share some of the things I'm doing to try to cut back on our grocery spending.

Hope you'll stay tuned and offer your own thoughts on both of these topics.


  1. how I missed that post I am unsure, but i love it! Do you mind if I copy your idea???
    Eager to read your blog on the 3rd, and eager to hear about what's helped you this month!

  2. Misty...

    Steal away!


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