Thursday, June 19, 2008

Can I Pray for You?

Yesterday, I wrote about how insanely tired I was. I expected to go to sleep early and to stay asleep forever.

But when nighttime fell, I was awake. And I stayed awake... until 3 am.

And it occurred to me that there's not much to do in the middle of the night when you've read every book in the house, and you're too exhausted to clean. So, I got online and wasted time. A lot of time.

I went back to bed at 3 and discovered a better way to spend my annoying waking hours.

So, I want to ask you how can I pray for you tonight when I can't sleep?

Please leave a public comment or send me a private contact to let me know what your needs are.

I'll be talking to God around midnight, I would guess.

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