Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Love Who I Am

Today, Sara at On Simplicity wrote to clarify some strengths of introversion.

I appreciate this like no other.

Often, people admire those who are socially outgoing, who love to be around groups of people, and who always have something to say.

But that's not me.

I am typically staying back socially... until I know a little more about you. I'm not letting it all hang out before I know your story. I love being with people, but I tend to prefer one-on-one or smaller groups. I thrive in settings where I can speak if I want, but feel no pressure to perform on the spot.

I prepare. I think things through. And when I do something, I do it well. (Hey, this is my blog... I'm totally allowed to brag about myself.)

There are lots of different labels that personality tests will give. Introvert, meloncholy, phlegmatic, to name a few. Regardless of what you call it, the point is that people who are introverts have a lot to offer.

Go on over and check out Sara's post today and let her know what you think.


  1. I think it's necessary to brag on yourself, if you don't who will?

    You know what you're capable of better than anyone else! I too loved her post today, I identify with you and her both as introverts we are the quiet observers that jump in the fray when we choose, not when forced.

    Thanks for popping over at MouthyGirl! In the words of that bodybuilder guy (lol) I'll be back!

  2. this is so me too!

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. I think there's a lot of misunderstanding around the extrovert/introvert continuum, and it tends to work against introverts. While there's nothing wrong with talking it out, there's nothing wrong with thinking things through like you say. Again, thanks for continuing the conversation over here!

  4. Absolutely, Sara.

    Neither personality is better or worse than the other. They both have their strengths. They both have their weaknesses.

    The important part is learning who you are and living in the strengths as much as you can.

  5. As an extrovert I totally appreciate everything that you bring to the table! You have taught me the art of thinking-before-you-speak, something almost unheard of in my house! Lol...my dad is an introvert, too, and I find that you guys are pretty easy to be around. Hooray for liking you! 'Cause I do, too!

  6. I'm an introvert, too! And I definitely think we get the shaft in public opinion. :)

  7. just had to say I also wind up being melancholy phlegmatic as well. ;) but anyway, I'm writing on this topic today, and linking to you.


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