Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Compassion Bloggers

On my sidebar, you'll see a new element from Compassion International.

About two months ago, Shaun Groves helped Compassion launch a new campaign to bring awareness of Compassion's work and the families they help to the world-wide web. I hesitated to join in. I'm not one for bandwagons.

But after investigating a bit, I felt like this was something I could honestly endorse. It's something I could do something with, whether it was just the next big thing (normally a turn off to me) or not.

So, I applied for their trip to the Dominican Republic in November. (They are still in the process of selecting a crew for that.)

I didn't put anything on my blog about this, though, until today. The main reason is that I am not a poser. (Although, announcing that fact on my blog may in fact qualify me as one.) I don't like to talk about something I'm not sold out on. I felt a little hypocritical to say, "You should send your money to Compassion," when I myself do not send my money to Compassion.

It's a hard thing to wrestle with. I constantly write on here the latest ways that Billy and I are trying to conserve and reduce and simplify and save. But we still aren't there with any extra money. It's hard to read other people talking about giving up $20 worth of Starbucks coffee a month in order to help Haitians. We don't spend money that way.

We buy gas and groceries.

The one thing we pay for that is not necessary is the internet, but this actually helps us save gas as Billy works from home at least once a week.

But today, I decided that if I believe that every little bit helps (and I do), and if I believe that our motivations and our hearts are more important than the uncontrollable outcome of an action (and I do), then my heart is to see children taken care of in the name of Jesus. And while I may not have the means to financially support them right now, some of you do.

So, I've chosen a widget that features a child in need of support.

Please look at it each time you visit my site. If you are compelled to help this child for $32 a month, you can click through to commit.

To find out more about Compassion, visit

God bless you for looking.


  1. Good for you... You aren't being a poser by standing for something you believe in... Not remotely so!

    Although less than a year ago we had the money for starbucks, vacations, digital cable, amusement park memberships and other little luxuries- this is our life no more... Granted we still have a small luxury every great while, I agree that it can be disheartening to read how easily others give this up for Jesus when it's simply a struggle to make it. Thankfully I write off my internet because of my job, or we may not have that either...

  2. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I think it's great Sarah. I've been sponsoring a child through Compassion since I was a student - a time when I had more money than I do now (bizarrely).

    I hope one day that I'll get to meet the family of the child I've been sponsoring. It's now a real struggle, as I don't earn very much money - and I too use my money for my car (which I need for work, to support church, family and friends), bills and food. I rarely buy clothes, shoes, cds, dvds, books - all things I'd treat myself to more often in the past.

    I think it's real easy to say 'yes' to everything, there is so much need in this world, but to be honest we ourselves have limitations on what we can do.

  3. Anonymous2:26 PM

    welcome to the save-a-kids-life-in-Jesus-name club (dues: just $1.03 a day).

    Jesus + Compassion



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