Saturday, June 07, 2008

In My Reader

In college, my friends made fun of me for holding the record of least movies seen... or heard of for that matter. It didn't really bother me. At that time, I found that most movies failed to hold my attention for 2 hours, so they really seemed like a waste of time. I'd much rather sit and watch 4 episodes of Seinfeld back to back to back to back.

Anyway, as I peruse the many offerings the blogosphere has to offer, I have come to the conclusion that my pattern has continued, and I'm nominating myself for the award of least blogs in your reader award. It seems like most bloggers I come across follow significantly more blogs than I do.

Again, this doesn't bother me. I see no need to go out and find more blogs because most of the ones that I've tried out have failed to capture me. I may subscribe for a while and then delete it from my reader because what I thought had potential really ended up in the lamer category.

But I thought I'd share the top blogs that I've found... ones that I have subscribed to and faithfully read for several months.

Number 1 blog: Billy Chia. Okay, okay... I know. I'm in love with the author, so it's a little bias. But in fairness, I fell in love with him over e-mail, so it's his writing that first captured my heart. I happen to love his blog, too. I think that he offers good insight that goes beyond the triteness that I find everywhere else.

The First Runner Up is... Shaun Groves. I will admit that I have never actually heard any of his music. But that's just because I don't like Christian music. Nothing against him... just his genre. Regardless, I love his blog. Billy and I agree that he has a good mix of serious posts that prod deep with questions and light-hearted family fun posts that give you a glimpse into his home life and his love for his wife and children. He's got a good sense of humor and strong ethics.

Tied for 3rd: Misty and Jessica. These girls are both moms that are in similar stages of life as me. Misty has an older elementary girl who she homeschools. Jessica has a son around Ashlyn's age. These blogs are completely relationship blogs for me. We comment on each other's posts religiously, and the benefit I get from reading them is simply to have some friends. That is reason enough.

Finally, a new blog that I've come across that I can see myself liking and I hope that I'm not disappointed -- Nury Vittachi. The few recent posts I've read have been pretty hysterical. Of course, the first one I read was linked to by my sister. It dealt with linguistics, and we all know what a sucker I am for a linguistics post. (And I am not joking at all, either.)

So, there you go... the blogs that made the cut for the pickiest reader in cyberspace. (Does anyone still use that term?)


  1. I don't know that it's so strange. I have around 70 blogs in my reader, but they are categorized. I have Daily, Artsy, and Occasional. My Daily list is 10. Ten blogs. And each of those ten are people I consider friends... Old college roomates, almost BFF (you are a daily, of course) These are the ten I NEVER Mark as read... So I get it. I also can't tell you how often I unsubscribe after a week or so, of someone. I'm a bad blog reader. :(

    Shaun Groves is awesome. I don't read his blog, but maybe I should. I have heard a few of his songs and like them. I am not a big contemporary Christian song fan, but do listen to the Effect quite a bit. Can't think of if he is on there or not.

    anyway... Here's to the longest comment about nothing. :)

  2. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Yeah they do, and apparently the "real" world is called "meatspace." Which is kinda gross. Who came up with that?

  3. Thanks for the linky love!

    i agree with misty. i have a "friends" list with about 8 on it, you being one of them, which is the only folder i read as often as i get online. Other blogs fall by the wayside a lot.

    Do you ever feel guilty about "mark all as read"? i do. :)

  4. MIsty,

    That actually surprises me about you. I had you pegged as one who kept up with everyone! Maybe I have lots of others mis-pegged, too.

    I never feel guilty about the "mark all as read." I have enough other things in my life to feel guilty over (see previous post about baby sunburns), that I don't have the emotional energy to waste on blogs by people I don't know.

    I read my top 3 (4), and often mark all the rest read, unless something pops out in the titles.

    Oh, well... guess I'm not so weird. That's kinda a relief.

  5. so one of my posts made you get a new top read, but I'm not one of your top reads? I'm feeling the love!! I don't think Mister Jam is going to disappoint you! He writes a column in the paper every day and I think there is only one article that I haven't really liked. He's even funnier if you have actually lived in Asia. :)


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