Sunday, June 08, 2008

It's Official... I'm Too Old

The saying goes, "If it's too loud, you're too old."

Well, count me in with the crowd of fogies, I guess.

Last night, Billy and I took the girls to an all-city worship night at Shae's Express coffee house. I wanted to go because 1) I like being with Billy and he was going, and 2) I'm running tech this morning at Chase Valley, and you can't really worship God all-out when you have to concentrate on getting the slides up at the right time.

Unfortunately, I didn't really worship that much last night. I tried, at times. But as I said, I'm now too old, and I couldn't stay my mind or heart on God for the commotion on the stage. I was too busy hoping that I wasn't causing permanent ear damage to my baby by keeping her there.

There was one catalyst for bringing me to worship, though, and that was an old man who was twirling orange flags. Honestly, it creeped me out slightly at first because here he was this sixty year old with a bit of a gut twirling flags like a high school girl. But honestly, it was a beautiful expression of worship. It captivated me and both my girls, and I found that I could worship with my soul a little bit more easily when I watch him instead of the band.

I wanted to catch him after the set and tell him that I appreciated him. But I had to make a bee-line for the bathroom, and when I got out, he was gone already.

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