Sunday, June 29, 2008

Power to be Brave

This last week, Chase Valley had a week of Power Labs for VBS. I missed most of it cause I was staying home with Ashlyn getting some organizing done. (Well, that... and the fact that the only kids I like are my own and those of my friends. Ouch. I know. But it's true.)

Anyway, our Sunday messages have been linked to the VBS lessons of things that Jesus gives us the power for.

Today, we talked about the power to be brave. Pastor Fred talked about the song, "Voice of Truth," which I for one love. I'm not a big fan of most Christian music, as I think I've mentioned before. And I'm really not a fan of the style of music that Casting Crowns producing.

But man! this song has a powerful message.

There's this balance in Christianity that is often hard to find. On the one hand, we want to be real. You hear the word "authentic" thrown around like it's going out of style. We're supposed to admit our weaknesses and our struggles. The last thing that we want to do is be fakers who pretend everything's fine when it's very obviously not.

But in our authenticity, sometimes we get so wrapped up in our feelings that we forget Truth. Sometimes, we choose to let our feelings tell us what's true, instead of letting Truth tell us how we should feel.

So, I love this song. Because no matter what the circumstances, no matter how I feel... Jesus is the Truth, and he really does give us the power to be brave.


  1. posting all your stuff out here on the internet can be very dangerous, especially when you are telling people at your church that you don't like their kids....what happens when one of those moms read it????

  2. Bloo,

    This, of course, has nothing to do with the kids at my church.

    Some people are good with kids. Some aren't.

    I am not. It's very simple and if people get upset because I'm not good with kids, then that's unfortunate, but not my fault.


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