Wednesday, October 08, 2008

You are Not Forgotten

A couple of years ago, I wrote about how God provided for us for Ashlyn's birth. I think it's incredibly important to take notice of how God fulfills his promise that He will give us what we need (Phil. 4:19).

Lately, God's been doing some great things in providing for us. With Billy's job change, we saw God work amazingly quick. With lightning speed, Billy had a new job, which he's been working for almost 2 weeks now. This came 3 weeks before the timeline that had been set out by the church, so the church is able to save those 3 weeks' of salary. We're excited to see the church's finances get a small boost here.

But God's done other things, too. He's provided for us outfit by outfit through some friends and we have all the girls' clothes for the winter. I think socks are the only thing we're still needing.

This last Sunday, a friend provided a feast for us after church.

Today, we got an anonymous card in the mail that made me want to cry. It had a Publix gift card in it. I'm not sure how much is on the card, but everything helps. So, here is yet another way God's providing.

So, let me just use this opportunity also to put a plug in for anonymous gifts in the mail. This is the 4th one I've gotten in my adult life. Twice I've gotten $100 bills in the mail with no signature. And twice, I've received anonymous grocery store cards. These have been some of the most meaningful letters I've ever received. Not only did they meet a present need, but they also show an amazing amount of humility of spirit.

I love that these people have been used by God to provide our needs, and they've asked for no glory of their own. But they don't want the thanks. They want the glory to go to God. Otherwise, they would have signed the card.

So, thanks be to God, the provider of all we need, according to His riches.


  1. Last year, we received an anonymous gift of $600 through our church, designated to help pay for some medical bills. I had experienced similar generosity before, but my husband had not and was simply overwhelmed that someone would reach out to us that way. We made a few inquiries but never figured out who our mystery donor was. I believe it was just the Lord looking out for us. :-)

  2. That's so encouraging to hear. I'm hoping that I can be better with my finances and trust God more in providing practical needs in my life.

  3. My husband and I just moved and are very convicted ourselves to get things "in-order"...which we believe is part of the purpose of our move in the first place....It's always encouraging to me to hear other's stories of God's provision. Thanks...

    PS...Glad to be reading your blog again, i've noticed a lot of bloggers took a break in Aug/Sept...or at least slowed down. Have a good one.


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