Friday, October 31, 2008

Why McCain's My Man - Part 3

This is where it gets tricky. Economics. The time when everyone wants to believe that they are the poor of America so that they can get the hand-outs. I'll be honest that I can't look at the plans of both men and tell how the economy will fare under either of them, but when it comes to economics, I'm more concerned about human dignity than I am about money in my pocket.

"Sharing the Wealth" should be a choice - Funny how the party that claims to be all about freedom of choice is trying to force charity on me. Now, I'm the kind of person that is going to share my "wealth" anyway. There's no problem there. I have a friend on facebook that posted a rant about how appalled he is that conservatives don't want to help their fellow man. Huh? I want to help my fellow man. I'm compelled to through Christ. I just don't want an immoral government telling me (or anyone) where, when, and how I need to fulfill my moral obligation to care for others.

But when sharing the wealth is a choice, it still happens. Sure there are some people who would take their tax money and buy themselves another plasma TV. But there are others who would take that money and donate it to the local soup kitchen.

Men like McCain give 27% of their income to charity. O'bama gives 5.7%. Palin and Biden are both well below that at 2% and >.5% respectively. source

Hand-outs stifle human dignity - But honestly, we don't even make enough to get a tax increase. If anything, Billy and I can be rolling in the government handouts if Obama is elected. But I'm more concerned about how people feel about themselves and their efforts than getting a few extra thousand from the government a year. It's better for people to have a motivation to work hard and earn something for themselves than it is for them to wonder if they should do that overtime because it might thrust them into the next bracket, causing a loss of all their benefits. We ought to want people to be free to succeed by their own merit through hard work and dedication, not to be slaves to the government funding that they get.

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciated's exactly how I feel.


    Hip Mama


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