Wednesday, October 01, 2008

So Long...

So, it's been forever, I guess, huh?

Man. Things have been, uh, I don't even know what they've been honestly. Busy, I guess, is a good place to start.

Overwhelming, maybe.

I'm up at 12:30am on Wednesday. Not so fun when I think about having to get up tomorrow to take care of kids ALL day. Billy has work from 8-5, and then he'll be at church for band practice from 6:30 till 10 or so. I'm thinking coffee will be my best friend tomorrow.

I hate that. I really don't want to be addicted to coffee. But, alas. It's too strong for me to resist!

Anyway... what have I been doing all this time? Man...

Billy's gotten a new job. You can read about that more on his blog. He's still the worship arts pastor at church, but he's taken another job to free up some money at the church to pay for some bills that have been building up.

Our small group is doing Dave Ramsey, and I'm the nerd of the family. If you listen to Ramsey, then you know that that means I'm the one who plays with the spreadsheets. That's been oodles of fun for me. ;) No really, it has. I worked on October's budget tonight. Billy and I already started it a while ago, but I went ahead and put it all in the computer while he sleeps away.

Let's see. Oh, yes. I had another article published. You can see that on page 8 of this online version. Mine is the one called, "Speaking Up." It's pretty decent, I think.

Well, I think I'm gonna try that whole sleeping thing again... just to see if I have any luck with it this time.


  1. i've missed you!! i hope Billy's enjoying his new job.

    i'm just nerdy enough to think that doing the financial spreadsheets sounds fun, too:)

    Have a happy Wednesday!

  2. so unbelievably glad you posted!!!! I have been thinking about you a lot. good job with the article! that's wonderful...

  3. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I've missed your blogging! Sorry to hear that you've not been sleeping either. Loving your latest evansville parent article. Something I struggle with too when I'm looking after other people's kids.

  4. I love spreadsheets! I feel so good when we're on a budget! Welcome back to blogging!


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