Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why McCain's My Man - Part 2

This week, I'm briefly outlining the reasons that I'll be voting for McCain next Tuesday.

I've already written about the abortion issue.

Today, I'm writing about the war.

Someone who understands, first hand - As a career soldier, McCain is indescribably more qualified to be a commander in chief than Obama. Now, I know that Obama's camp paints him as a war hawk who will keep us in war just for the fun of it. But, c'mon. No one likes war. As Ben Franklin said, "There has never been a good war, and there has never been a bad peace." But we shouldn't assume that lack of war is the same as peace. After all, Franklin was strongly in favor of the war for independence.

As someone who was captured, tortured, and forever injured by war, McCain is not going to keep our forces in a situation simply because he wants to fight a war. He knows the dangers of being in battle, but he also understands when those sacrifices are worth it. He's going to push to stay and get the job done.

An experienced leader who raises morale - McCain has a positive attitude throughout discussions on the war. Don't we all know by now that positive feedback is so much more encouraging than negative motivation? When McCain says, "We are winning, and we can continue to win," our forces are that much more likely to keep working hard to secure peace and freedom in Iraq. Obama, on the other hand, makes statements that devastate the will of our forces fighting. He insists that we've already lost, despite the progress that continues to rise.

A believer in freedom for humans, not just Americans - Think of this: if we had someone like Saddam Hussien ruling in a section of America - say he took over Nevada - would you stand for it? No. You wouldn't. You would never think that mass killings and mass graves were an acceptable form of government. But somehow, many Americans believe it's just not our business to step in and stop that kind of brutality if it happens outside our borders. Really? Are we that calloused and that self-centered that we shouldn't help an oppressed people, simply because they are Americans? Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are inalienable rights for all mankind, last time I read our Declaration of Independence. McCain is willing to stand up for humans, not just Americans.

(By the way, while I'm talking about the war, let's remember that we didn't enter Iraq because of any connection to 9/11. We entered because of all the time they continued to ignore U.N. orders to open their borders to inspectors. A lot of this happened during Clinton's terms, but he was too busy getting satisfied in the Oval Office to do anything about it.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    thank you, sarah. you have put some very good thoughts down on your blog here. i'm eager to hear more! i will also be voting for McCain. :)


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