Being inspired by Seay's commitment, my own family began to eat just rice and water as well. (I do give Ashlyn some veggies also, as she's still under two.) An average dinner for us costs $5, and the rice meal costs a bit less than $1, so over the course of the month, we save around $16.
We began to give the money to St. Bosco's Children's Home in Mandeville Jamaica. (In the interest of keeping this post short, I'll write another time about why we chose to support this particular ministry) With the checks, we've sent our family photo and notes to our little boy. Yesterday, we received our first letter from him and a picture.
Let me introduce to you the newest member of our family:

O'wayne Atkinson
He is 12 years old and loves to play soccer. His favorite food is rice, peas, and chicken.
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