Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lucid Dreaming

I've been dragging lately. Just plain worn out from nothing much. It's pretty crappy.

One of the things that seems to contribute to this problem is my dreaming. For several weeks now, I've had the kind of dreams where I'm very well aware that I'm dreaming, and I'm just kinda following along knowing it's a story going on. On the one hand, it's great, cause if the dream takes a bad turn, I can change its course, but on the other hand, I'm not resting very well.

It reminds me of this athiest podcast that Billy and I listened to once. This girl was talking about how marvelous lucid dreaming was. Her logic went like this: I spend all this wasted time sleeping. I'm not doing anything, so I may as well lucid dream. What else am I going to do during that time?

Huh, lady... I don't know...

Sleep, maybe!

I would love to wake up in the morning and wonder what the heck just happened the last 8 hours. As it is, I've been going to bed around 9, waking up at 6, and feeling exhausted.

Lucid dreaming gets a big thumbs down from me.


  1. me too... I was lucid dreaming a few weeks ago, for several weeks and in the stress of it all I don't think I've recovered yet.

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    You know, I didn't think lucid dreaming was real until now. I remember one time in college, I was in one of my English classes and this girl said something about how she can sometimes change what she's doing in her dreams, or how the dream will end. I totally thought she was making it up just to be "cool" and that perhaps she was on something, but now, she was probably telling us the truth. I wish I could do that from time-to-time. I don't remember very many of my dreams, and sometimes I wish I could atleast remember one of them each night.

    And you know those dreams where during it, whatever is happening is awful and you just wished and hoped that it was all a dream, then you wake up and realize that it was and you're so relieved? I hate those...they're not worth their relief in the end :/

    I hope you can knock these dreams of yours so you can get some decent sleep soon!


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