Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why McCain's My Man

I've not said too much about the political scene up till now, but with the election less than a week away, I thought I'd weigh in on some of the issues and explain why I'm voting for McCain. I think the best way is to post a reason a day so it doesn't become overwhelming.

The first reason, as anyone could guess, is the abortion issue.
  • He categorizes abortion as a "human dignity and sanctity of life" issue. I like this because that's exactly what it is. It is not a woman's issue. It's not a choice issue. It's a life issue. Men like Obama don't want to take a stand on when life begins. He takes the cowards way out. McCain is firm that conception is the time for rights to begin.
  • His respect for all human life (a.k.a. seeing all kids as a blessing) is evident in his own adoption experiences. With a passion for adoption, I believe that McCain is more likely to push for education and assistance for adoptions. We need more information out about how it works because too many women think that they could never see their child again. Unfortunately, some women feel like it is better to abort than to abandon. This idea needs to be debunked, and McCain is a man to do it.
Obama, on the other hand, has been heard calling a baby a "punishment." ("If my daughter made some bad choices, I would not want her to be punished with a baby," he said.) A baby is a consequence, certainly, but when we start to look at human life as a punishment, we are headed toward more abortion, not less.
  • He would use legislation and relationships to help lower the rate of abortions. It's all hip and cool to say that we need to walk beside the women and girls and to take the abortion issue out of the legislation. This is completely and utterly retarded. Of course we need to walk beside the women. But that isn't the only way to fight the abortion epidemic.
First of all, if you've never been into a pro-life pregnancy center, then you may not know that pro-lifers are very caring people. When I was pregnant in college, the pregnancy center workers showered me with things for Eve. They taught me about her development. They showed me what my options were and talked through them with me. When I volunteered at a center, it was the same. I've never felt so much love and compassion for scared, pregnant women as I have inside the walls of a pro-life counseling facility.

Secondly, our laws can help regulate the abortions that do occur. In several states of our union, out-patient abortion facilities do not have to pass health standard regulation checks the way a normal doctor's office does. Legislation would help this. Also, a legislative act that can help eliminate abortions is the requirement to show an ultrasound to the pregnant woman before she aborts. An ultrasound is already taken to be sure the pregnancy is viable. All the nurse would have to do is turn the screen toward the woman. But Planned Parenthood, and other abortion agencies, has fought this type of regulation over and over. When a woman sees the fetus, she is less likely to have the abortion. Why, then, should we not legislate this kind of education?

We need legislation and relationship in order to stop abortions.

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