Tuesday, August 16, 2005

When the Weather Gets Better...

So, today, I wore jeans! First time in months. It felt really, really good to have my legs covered.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    no me gusta ...whatever the word is for shorts.
    (heck i took french!)

    but yeah. you could be cool, like me, & wear pants when it's 112 degrees outside..but that's just me.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    yeah, pants are the bomb, dude. shorts, not so much. my legs look weird and chickeny-spindly on the bottom in shorts. i think.

    :) then there's always how WHITE they are regardless of season. I can't seem to get my legs sufficiently tanned any, ever, at all. I would have to seriously commit like two weekends on the beach for something like that, but then of course it would fade....

    ...so i like pants.

  3. Ah...the perpetual dilemma:

    1. you can't wear shorts because your legs are pale.
    2. your legs will be pale until you wear shorts.
    3. but you can't wear shorts because your legs are pale.

    I have the solution...

    Find one deck in need of staining. Plan to stain it and a fence in one day. Wear a strappy tank and shorts to perform this impossible feat. Also choose an insanely hot, sunny day in early May. Begin early. Stain through the peak sun hours until you realize that you have no chance in reality to finish what you hoped to accomplish and your mood is sufficiently ruined. Take lunch break and stain for 6 more hours. This is a tried and true method used by the best to get a head start on tan legs. Follow up with more staining through out summer and an occasional visit to a lake or perhaps even Montego Bay. I can testify that it truly does work and saves you from embarrasement and heat exhaustion all summer long.

    For more info, check out www.homestarrunner.com


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