Thursday, August 11, 2005

Flee to Something Deeper

There's a risk in life that you might find purpose, and I think that this risk scares me. But it's a fear like the kind that maybe comes when someone approaches a skydive looking for an adrenaline rush.

My visit with Billy was amazing. It was just cool to see him laugh and to watch him play his guitar and to have him smile when he watched me play my guitar and to sing with him. (I'm starting to get all sappy, and I apologize in advance.) There's something intensely deep about worshipping God with one guitar and two harmonizing voices in your living room. I can't even begin to comprehend (let alone explain) what that meant.

But our visit wasn't all about intensity, even though I could probably sit here and make every second of it seem like the most melodramatic, Romantic (with a capital "R") two days in history. But that wouldn't be fair, and it wouldn't be accurate. Life isn't about melodrama; it's about real relationships. And real friendship can't survive on pure intensity for very long. Friendships need humor, too, and the fact that ours has that in close proximity to intensity is incredible.

Plus, I have a rejuvenated love for downtown Evansville...except for the butterflies that look like Elvis. Those are just weird.


  1. so, this is ivy...
    there's about ten million awesome things you just said in that post alone, but to save space, we'll go with this: *applause*

    the more billy says about you, the more i gotta say, you rock out loud. like, you rock my socks. off. come visit! :P

  2. I hope I can sometime soon, but as I have a little girl who needs me, I can't make too many promises concerning a 9-hour car drive.

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    dood we could all come pick u up road trip ^_^ woot ^o^


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