Saturday, August 06, 2005

So, today was awesome, despite the fact that my sleep last night was interrupted twice by Eve's bloody noses. I swear, you'd think that she was cracked in the face last week by some hyper child's head or something, the way this thing keeps bleeding. I am a little bit worried about it, but we made it through the rest of today without incident, which was good cause this way the day rocked.

We went to Patoka Lake today cause my dad's company rented a shelter and some cabins, and I guess several of the guys he works with own boats. So, we got there and went on some dude's pontoon boat. I was less than thrilled with this because I went there for water sports, not for some lame pontooning. But apparently, this is the pontoon boat of the 21st century, cause it totally kicked butt. Once we got out of the marina, this boat totally flew. So, we messed around on the intertube a little bit, which was fun. But it was no challenge at all. So, soon, we got out the kneeboard, which is about 1000% more fun and probably about that challenging, too. Well, getting the strap velcroed tightly around your knees is the challenging part. Once you're up and riding, it's just plain fun. But my arms were sore for a few hours afterward. I swear I need to find some friends that have some boats so I can get in a good workout every weekend. That was the best, most fun workout I've had in a while.

But now the day's over, and I'm trying to load everything back in the closet that I painted a few days ago. My brother built my shelves in there, so I now have somewhere to put everything that was crowding my family room.

Countdown: 2 days, 18 hours.

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