Saturday, August 27, 2005

Birthday Wishes

Today has been good. Eve's birthday party was today, and it was quite successful. I have to say that I definately manipulated that by telling her that she was only allowed to invite 5 kids and I... ahem... "encouraged" her with her choice of friend. So, we had a totally mellow party. It rocked for me. At the end, I let the kids run around outside and do whatever they wanted out there. We played some rawkin' games like Slam Dunk contest and a soccer penalty kick game. Then outside after the cake, we played soccer tag, which your truly invented all by myself on the spot. The kids kinda lost interest, but seriously, if anyone ever wants to play it with me...I'm all over that.

So, it was cool doing something just for Eve-Marie and seeing her have a good time with her friends. Sometimes, it's hard to make her the center of my world. So, I was super happy that she was happy today and that she felt special with her punk rawk cake and ice cream. (Yes, I did take pictures.) I'm just happy that she's alive, and for her birthday, I wish her wisdom for life, joy in her heart and an eternal appreciation for good music. Amen.

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