Saturday, August 20, 2005

So, today...slept in late cause Eve and I were up for an hour last night when she had bloody noses. Poor little thing. I feel so bad for her. She's such a sweet heart, though. Like she came up and knocked on my door in the middle of the night and was all, "Mom, I think my nose is bleeding." I could barely even hear here since I was unconscious at the time, and she didn't even raise her voice.

But then, we went to Trish's and helped her get some things done around the house so that it can sell more easily. I hope it doesn't, though. hahah. Well, I know that it's important for them to move. I just know that I'll miss her and her family like crazy. But somehow, Mary and I will take a road trip up there, definately. So, yeah...just fun things to do like washing walls and scraping up caulking and then experimenting with new caulk and making fun of ourselves all the while. Good times had by all, and great lunch, too.

After, I got home, I worked out and then rewarded myself with watching the Billy Chia DVD. Well, the first couple of songs anyway. I figured this was a better reward than, say, a yummy ice cream something or other, which was definately sounding good in the hot weather. But I'm a typical American in that I think everything I do should be rewarded, so in order to motivate myself to workout, I figured I wouldn't let myself watch Billy's DVD unless I work out on my scheduled day. So far, it seems to be working.

Then, I mowed the lawn, which was probably unwise for my health's sake, cause it was hot and my muscles are totaly overworked now, but I wanted to be able to take tomorrow for a Sabbath, and my lawn was getting to that "white trash" stage, so it had to be done today.

And this is my exciting life.

I've been thinking a lot about fears and relationships and friendships and eternity and PMS and the very appealing past. I forget the hurtful past, except for how it translates into fear for the present.

Things are kinda crappy here right now (and by here, I mean only in my own attitude), but I won't go into for fear of working into a super bad mood.

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