Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Feelin' Good

Man! It feels really good to actually get stuff done for a change. All summer's been super cool cause I've become an expert at being lazy. It's not been super cool cause I've been down on myself about not doing anything. Today, though, was good. I worked and worked and got together with a friend whom I haven't seen in a long time, and I worked some more. Then, I listened to my phone messages and had a friend call asking if I wanted a job. So, we'll see. It should be pretty nice to have a schedule again.

School starts next week, and I'm getting pretty psyched. The first coupla weeks are a breeze cause it's just some laid back reviewing going on. The hardest part, I guess, is convincing the students that they really should answer my questions...outloud. But after a fun ice breaker (no, really...they do exist...), we get talking and all's well.

Awesome. I want to take a trip to Chicago this weekend, but then I remember that gas is like a million bucks a gallon. Well, it's close. Let's's nearly $2.50, so that'd be $150 in Jamaican money. Yeah... I feel pretty cool having a $100 bill sitting around my house from my trip. Too bad it would barely buy a pack of gun. Anyway, during my quiet time today, I told God that I'd try really super hard to break my habit of buying things that I really shouldn't. Not so much things that I can't afford, cause I don't really do that anyway. But just things that I shouldn't buy. Things that aren't necessary, at least until I see how this school year's finances are going and stuff. So, blech... the step to rock stardom will have to wait (sorry, Jenn...but I will totally come up sometime. I'll just have to wait until I actually save money for the gas).


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