Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week in Review

So, it seems like forever since I posted, but now I see that it's only been a week, so I don't really feel bad about that.

I wish I had some great excuse for why I never keep up a steady habit on this darn thing, but ultimately, I usually just don't feel like writing much these days.

I will say that I've spent significant time lately getting other things going, and the blog has kind ... sat. Alone.

But anyway... in the last week, Billy worked quite a bit of overtime, which is difficult for him, and also can be difficult for me. I miss him when he's gone, and it's particularly hard after a long day just me and the kids to not have him home until after bedtimes. His presence gives the place a different feel, changes the scenery a bit.

We also haven't had a car for ... oh a month and a half. We're getting the run-around from the mechanic. I mean... really, how can you really justify keeping someone's car for 46 days (and counting) and not calling once to let us know what the freak is going on??? Supposedly, they're working on it. At some point, though, I guess we're gonna have to figure out how to get our hunk of junk back without paying for the repairs that have supposedly already been done but have not actually fixed the problem.

But, I was fortunate to have a friend volunteer to come pick us up last week to get together at their place. That was a very nice change.

And today, I finally succumbed to a sickness that has been stalking me for literally weeks. But I'm downing vitamin C like it's crack and throwing lots of water for good measure. Hopefully, this won't last too long.

And for the record... "succumbed" is the actual past tense to succumb, even though some people say it's "succame." I think they are confused because of the homophone at the end of "succumb" and "come." But I looked it up just to be sure, and this is right. :)


  1. Sorry you feel crummy. Get feeling better and go get your car. That is crazy that they've had it for that long.

  2. Geez. Sorry about the car. And the cold. That totally blows. (Am I allowed to type "totally blows" on someone else's blog?) Also, many props to you for not only knowing the past tense of "succumb", but looking it up to be sure. That's brilliant.


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