Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Start 'Em Out Early

I believe in the idea that housework is fun until you learn that it isn't. Combine that with the concept of "If you can get it out, you can put it away," and suddenly you have your 2 year old doing the cleaning. Boy this is the life!

Other responsibilities include putting plastic bowls away, answering phone calls, and flushing the toilet. :)


  1. Hah! That's great. My mom taught us to do household chores when we were really little...we were the only 6 year olds we knew who could do our own laundry! And every night one of use would help with dinner, it was great and makes for wonderful memories actually.

  2. That's hilarious!!!! Way to go! :)

  3. Cute! I use a system by Accountable Kids for my kiddos...


    It seems to help them stay on task, reward them for extra help, but show them responsibilty that is expected within the family. I think having the kids contribute, even in small ways is key to a household running smoothly and with the least amount of chaos.

  4. Hip Mama,

    That looks like something I'd REALLY love to get. I have a hard time sticking to programs that I make up myself. So, I have an idea in my head of what I'd like Eve to help with, but right now, the only thing that is consistent is putting away silverware. I mean, she'll clean her room up when I tell her to, but there's no rhyme or reason to it. It's just like... "Okay... the room's a mess again, clean it up."

    I'm saving my own money for a very special purpose, and I'm not sure I could talk DH into spending budget money on that kind of thing at this point.

    Murphy has really moved in here for a while.

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I can't believe how big she is!!

    I'll take the "get it out, put it away" concept one step further...if you get it out, you can put it away in its proper place. Yes, this should be a given, but unfortunately is not. A home for everything and everything in its home.

    I'm still waiting for my 18 year old to unload the dishwasher from yesterday, but I will cut her some slack since she's been at work. My patience will persevere. :D

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Hey, once Ashlyn's finished doing your house, does she fancy flying across the Atlantic to do our house. Me and my Mum are rubbish at keeping up with household chores!!

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Haha! That is so awesome!


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