Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Total Mom Haircut

I was introduced to Beth of Total Mom Haircut's writing last fall, and it was an instant daily read. This woman knows how to balance some great laid-back humor with poignant mothering moments.

So, you can imagine how honored I was that a great blogger like Beth was willing to answer questions from me. I loved her honesty and the stories she shared, so let me share them now with you.

How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging nearly 3 years.

What was the initial motivation to start?
When I was at a well-visit for my first child, who was then about 9 months old, I found one of those parenting magazines which had an article about mommy blogging. I thought the whole thing sounded really stupid, but I still went home and looked at a few of the sites the article mentioned. Immediately I felt a sense of connection with many of the writers, and connection was definitely something I was missing in my new Stay-At-Home mom position. Within 24 hours I started my own blog.

How has blogging increased your support network?
I feel I've made friends in this way - I know women through the blogosphere and I can tell you about who they are, who their kids are, and what's going on with them. Some of them have been reading my blog since I started it nearly 3 years ago and we now email on a regular basis (in addition to reading each other's blogs).

Has blogging introduced you to interests that you previously didn't have/didn't think you'd necessarily enjoy?
I didn't actually know that I loved writing. In every other venue of my life it has not really been something I enjoyed, or maybe I didn't have anything I felt I needed to write about until I became a mom. It's become a big part of my life now as I write for a few different websites and am exploring other writing opportunities. (Beth also writes at Imperfect Parent, Philly Moms, and Mama Speaks. Quite an accomplished woman!)

How much does "bragging rights" factor into some of the posts you put up about how cool/cute your kids are?
Maybe in the beginning, when I was still sort of finding a voice for my blog. I talk about my kids much less now; it's more about me, really. That said, I certainly share lots of pictures, and I wouldn't do that if I didn't find them to be gorgeous in the first place.

Do you consider yourself a "Mommy Blogger" or a mom who blogs? Do you see a distinction between the two?
I'm a Mommy Blogger. I started my blog as a direct result of becoming a mom. The majority of my posts have something to do with being a mom or a parent from the standpoint of the day-to-day as well as the overall shift to that new identity. Most of the people who read my blog are also Moms, as far as I know.
I do think there is a distinction between the two, but I'm not a mom who is blogging about gardening or cooking or politics, etc. I'm a mom blogging about being a mom, so to me, it's a "Mommy Blog."

Do you feel like you blog to "get things off your chest" or do you blog for your audience's benefit?
Blogging is quite addictive once you start. It becomes a habit very quickly, I think. I blog to keep my thoughts in order and to remember these times in my life, especially since mommyhood can be so very hazy sometimes (like when one has a new infant). I suppose I would blog even if no one read it because it is just something I need. Certainly having an audience changes the tone a bit though. It has taken it from more of a journaling type of style to something that (I hope) is a bit more entertaining for readers.

1 comment:

  1. i too adore Beth. Once I found her, I couldn't stop reading her... :) I enjoyed this...


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