Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Throwing Out the Fat Pants

So, I just wanted to take a quick moment to share a victory.

In December, I stepped on the scale at my parent's house to see that I'd lost 10 pounds since the last time I'd checked, which was probably around April. At that point, I'd been frustrated because the scale wasn't moving, so I just stopped weighing myself. Oh, and the minor detail that I didn't actually have a scale. That helped, too.

But anyway, seeing the drop in pounds was quite a motivation for me to lose those last 20 pounds that were still hanging on from the pregnancy.

My first goal was to lose 10 lbs. by Valentines, and then another 10 by my birthday in early April.

So, here we are just 4 days from Valentines. How'd I do? Well, the official weigh-in will be Saturday, but I'm pretty pleased with the results so far. I think I've only lost 9, but still. That's pretty darn good.

But the real victory came this morning when I cleaned out my dresser and got rid of the fat pants! I am now able to fit into every pair of pants I used to wear except one (and really, who likes that pair anyway!) So, I'm officially donating the larger sizes to the local thrift store for some other overweight chick to grab up and hopefully slim her way out of soon.


  1. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Congrats! I don't have baby weight, but I could sure stand to lose 20 myself.

  2. thats awesome! Congrats!

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Well done!! Super impressed, realise (from your blogging) how hard you've worked and the discipline to do that!

    Cue a BK 'Americanism'

    Way to go girl!


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