Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rainy Day in May

What do I say about my next blogging interview? Misty is amazing. I honestly don't even know how we got connected. I just know one day she commented on my site; then I commented on hers, and it just turned into one big reciprocation until now... a couple years later, and she is my favorite blogging buddy. (Sorry, everyone else who had their fingers crossed, but she is.) You can do a search for Misty in my sidebar there to see how much she's influenced me over the last couple of years. You can also look at nearly every post on here to see what a faithful reader she's been.

But enough with sap... on to what she had to say about blogging:

How long have you been blogging? Since 2004.

What was the initial motivation to start? We lived far away from family and I had hoped that it would inspire them to take an interest in my daughter's life. Also, writing is therapeutic and parenting an emotionally special needs child left me with a need for an outlet.

How has blogging expanded your social network?
I've gotten to know some truly extraordinary people. A few I've had the privilege of meeting in real life, and several have become wonderful long distance friends.

Has blogging introduced you to interests that you previously didn't have/didn't think you'd necessarily enjoy? Yes. I am not the craftiest of persons. A few years ago I was the woman with the credit card, who loved to shop. Today I'm the girl who just finished a handmade Christmas (mostly), have no credit cards and I now structure my week around the days spent in my kitchen. Then, I wanted a high rise apartment in Manhattan and today I want a little country house and wouldn't mind a few chickens. I completely hold blogging responsible for this... Not so much my writing of my blog, but what I read on others...

Do you ever use blogging as a way to maintain your identity as a woman, writer, thinker, crafter, scrapbooker, photographer... (basically anything BUT mom)? Perhaps unintentionally. There are those days when I just need to know that I, as a person, exist- beyond the roles I play in my household. Blogging offers that instant opportunity.

Do you feel like you blog to "get things off your chest" or do you blog for your audience's benefit? Both... Some weeks it is one more than the other. I firmly believe, above all things, a blog should be real. I am NOT a people pleaser and so, unfortunately, I will have those times when I just need to rant.

Is your blog's purpose one to help/encourage others or one that is for you and just happens to also appeal to others? I would love my blog to be the first oriented, but I can't say that it is. I'm just a girl, after all. What others derive from what I say- is based on their need. Where as, a thousand different people on any given day, may read my blog- it may only shed some light upon the life of one or two. We all stand in different places, craving different things. I guess my goal is simply to stand in my own place, on the ground of honesty.

How do you decide what to write for your own blog and what to write elsewhere? With a lot of discretion. I keep a notebook (or try to) of things to blog about, which could be interesting. I go over, and over... Sometimes I post on a whim, but pretty rarely.

If a mother asked you, "How do I start blogging?" what would you tell them? That every woman, mother or not, has something to say. Sit down and write. It's that simple. Don't do it for the aqlaim, or the comments. Do it, and write about, what you want to say.

1 comment:

  1. you are too sweet sarah... I'm so sad you won't have the opportunity to write for this publication anymore- I know how you enjoyed it...

    It was funny to read what I wrote. It wasn't that long ago, and yet...


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