Friday, February 01, 2008

On the Murder of Cats

The other day, a neighbor of mine that I had never met stopped by to ask if I had seen a grey and white cat in my yard. I told her I had, as well as several others and I was afraid they were living in my crawl space.

She hoped that I would rescue these cats and allow them to be placed with a good family in a barn. She was quite attached as she'd been feeding its parents for a year already. The rest of the family had been captured and relocated; this grey one was the only one left.

I explained to her that I'd already called Animal Control, and they had a cage in my back yard. Honestly, I didn't care if Animal Control killed this cat or not. I just wanted it to stop living in my crawl space, defecating on my property and stinking up my house in the meantime.

She gave me the number of a woman who would come out to save these cats instead of kill them, and I agreed that I would call this woman.

Here's a bit of our conversation:

Jamie: Hello?

Me: Can I speak to Jamie?

Jamie: This is Jamie.

Me: Hi, I got your name from my neighbor who said you could come out to trap this cat in my yard.

Jamie: Are you the one with the cage in the yard?

Me: Yeah, I called Animal Control and they brought that out.

Jamie *sneering*: They're just going to kill it. Is that what you want?

Me: I don't really care. I mean, my neighbor wants them to be saved, so if you want to come out, you can. She said you could get these cats for me.

Jamie: Well, I can't come tonight, and I don't know how you can want these cats to be killed.

Me: Well, I don't want them to be killed. But I already have this cage, so if the cat goes into, then...

Jamie: I can put these cats in a home and you just want to call animal control and have them killed.

Me: Look, I'm telling have my permission to come in my yard and save the cats if you want. But I have to get this cage back to animal control, and if the cat's in it in the morning, then I'll let them take it. If you want it, you can come and save it. I don't care either way.

Jamie *growing in intensity*: I don't understand why you want to let animal control kill this cat.

Me *getting flustered*: Oh my gosh! I'm not an evil person. I didn't invent stray cats so I could kill them! I just don't really care what animal control does. I just want them out of my crawl space.

Jamie: Don't you have a cover for your crawl space? Can't you shut it?

Me: Yeah, I do, but you know...the plumber that got in my crawl space last fall didn't tell me that he didn't close it. So, can come or you don't have to. I don't care. I already have the cage, and it doesn't matter to me who gets the cat.

Jamie: I could take that cat to a home, and animal control is just going to kill it.

Me: Well, you know... 4,000 humans are killed everyday through abortion.

Her response?


Something is seriously wrong with that picture.


  1. Wow. That gave me the chills!!! Ugh. i will pray for that woman!

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Most of the people I know who are EXTREME animal people (like her for example) are usually terrible with people and great with animals. As in, literally they CAN NOT get along with other people and believe that animals are worth as much as a human and are entitled to the same rights. I say if thats true, why did God make man at all? The animals could have just handled it all ontheir own. :P

  3. You know, I love animals. I adopt from shelters or strays when we want a pet. But the day that I care more about my stinkin' pets than about human life is the day I would like you to check me in somewhere. Shame on her. And honestly, if it was that important to her why didn't she just go get the silly cat???

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM


    Sort of a cheap shot on your part, though, Sarah. Don't need to interject something so potentially argumentative to escalate the already escalated situation! Of course I see your point in it, but honestly did you expect anything else from an argumentative woman? Just tell her to please come get the cat. No, you don't want it to die, but you don't want it on your property anymore, so please come get the cat.

    I am a huge cat person, so ... I am forced to see both sides. Yes, there are catfreaks out there that are so obsessed with saving everything that they have an extremely limited vision of reality. However....bah!!! The situation sucks. She's a dork that she doesn't care. But I think it just caught her off guard.

    Signed, you can always get an opinion out of me,

  5. That's not a cheap shot. People are going to say what they really think when they're caught off guard.

    I'm allowed to not care if a cat, which doesn't have a spirit BTW, dies because it's stinking up my crawl space.

    I think it's pretty gross for someone to care more about cats than humans, whether she was caught off guard or not.


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