Monday, February 11, 2008

Book Meme

Freezing Jessica over at Pianomomsicle tagged me to do a book meme. How fitting, since I just so happen to love books.

Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

" 'I know intellectually that God loves me, but I've had great trouble feeling that He cares on an emotional level. It took me well into midlife and the experience of a significant crisis before I came to believe in my deepest heart that my God really loves me.'
"In truth, God is a comforting, responsive parent."

--The Power of Mother Love, by Brenda Hunter PhD

I tag Misty, Kara, Katie, Trish, and CS (who doesn't have a blog, but I know you read mine, and you can comment!!!).


  1. Do you have to use the first book you pick up or can you be a bit selective?

  2. You didn't tag me, but I'll comment anyway.

    "* A relationship with God is the ultimate win/win relationship because you can never give up more than you get back.

    * We won't regret the mistakes we made as much as the God-ordained opportunities we missed.

    * There is nothing passive about following Christ."

    from Mark Batterson's In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day

  3. Katie,

    Well, rules are rules, you know. But they say that rules are made to be broken, and I for one broke these rules by looking through about 5 books before I picked one.


    Very cool. And true. We are so blessed to be loved by a forgiving God who gives us second chances (and third, and fourth, and fifth, and...)to redeem those times we fail to listen to Him.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    tag me:

    "Digi 002 and Mbox have buttons enabling you to switch between mic, line, and instrument (DI) inputs. Being able to switch between input types eliminates the need for a pad. Microphone frequency response can depend on the mic's surroundings and its relationship with a closely positioned mic."

    -Producing in the Home Studio with ProTools, Second Edition, by David Franz

  5. Jenn,

    Yikes! That's way too intimidating for me.

    Do you actually understand that stuff?

  6. I did it....It's long so I won't post it as a comment but you can check it out at

  7. Because I'm lame and abandoned my blog for the last year and a half, I didn't see this until now.

    And because I'm a total compulsive conformist I'm following the rules...

    "Evaluate the integration constants A and B, and determine the time t when r=0.5m. Determine the speed of the ball B in Prob.13-89 at the instant it leaves the end C of the tube.If a horizontal force of P=10 lbs is applied to block A, determine the acceleration of block B." -Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics 3rd ed. by R. C. Hibbeler. (Marc's Desk)

    And to demonstrate my fierce geekocity, I'll give you the two books I'm currently reading...

    "Amy was much offended that her overtures of peace had been repulsed, and began to wish she had not humbled herself, to feel more injured than ever, and to plume herself on her superior virtue in a way which was particularly exasperating. Jo still looked like a thundercloud, and nothing went well all day. It was bitter cold in the morning; she dropped her precious turnover in the gutter; Aunt March had an attack of the fidgets; Meg was sensitive; Beth would look grieved and wistful when she got home, and Amy kept making remarks about people who were always talking about being good and yet wouldn't try when other people set them a virtuous example." -Little Women. Louisa May Alcott

    "Also, experts say that in researching salaries, you should take note of the fact that most governmental agencies have civil service positions matching those in private industry, and their job descriptions and pay ranges are available to the public. Go to the nearest city, county, regional, state, or federal civil service office, find the job description nearest what you are seeknig in private industry, and then ask for the starting salary. Once you've made a guess at what the employer's range might be, for the job you have in mind, you then define your own range accordingly." - What Color Is Your Parachute? 2009. Richard Nelson Bolles


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