Monday, February 04, 2008

Top 3 Sentiments that Made Me Fall in Love Over E-mail

With Valentine's Day coming up, I have been thinking about love. With Billy in Alabama, I've been revisiting our days of long distance dating.

Put those two together and you get a quick post to see what exactly I fell in love with 2 1/2 years ago.

These are 3 of my favorite sound bites from e-mails that Billy sent me during the summer of 2005.

"I think we both kinda have the idea that you don't date someone with out it being a preparation for marriage. Like we'd be intentional about dating as to focus it to prepare in that way. It would mean respecting each other and not having sex and if we felt we didn't want to marry the other person to break off the dating. (I'm really sorry for talking about marriage I know that freaks you out.)"
"So the end point of this is that you are 1500 times cooler than ever imagined a girl could be. You are intelligent and funny and your faith is amazingly dynamic. Through the stories you share I see that you are forgiving and caring and even in like the four pictures that I've seen of you, you are very beautiful. (I really mean that, I know there's an insecure girl inside of you that doesn't think so. She probably tells you that you don't look like the models on TV. I don't really go along with the world's definition of beauty. I've kinda got my own and I don't know how to describe it other than you are it.) "
And the #1 reason I fell in love with Billy over the internet was the following sentence that he wrote as he was debating when to move our relationship forward to a face-to-face meeting. It kept me laughing for literally months afterward.

"The romantic kid would drive all night to come see you; unfortunately so would the creepy, obsessed internet guy. "


  1. I love you so much.

  2. That is so sweet! Oh my gosh! You're obviously two very awesome people who have found the perfect companion in each other.

  3. Awe! I love it! most especially the "1500 times cooler" part...

    I gave you a blog award... :)


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