Thursday, August 30, 2007

On Ditzy Blondes and Deeper Thoughts

There are times in my life, rare though they be, when I wish I could be more superficial.

Last night was one of those times.

Billy and I had a "discussion" about quality and money and beer.

It all started with the question, "Does God take pleasure in our pleasure?"

After a series of interrogatories, it ended with inner conflict between what I believe and what I've thus far done in accordance with those beliefs.

There are people out there who want to hear music played on $1500 guitars, and they don't consider that there are thousands of Jamaican orphans whose material possessions in their entirety can (and actually have to) fit down the front of their t-shirt.

These are the same people who drink beer without considering that the amount of grain used in the beer that Americans consume in a year, could feed the hungry in India for that same year.

So, does God take pleasure in our pleasure? Maybe a better question is "does God take pleasure in the misery that we're perpetuating for others?"

There are people out there who can ignore this question. To take it further, they ignore the implications that the answer has on their lives. And best yet, they can sleep at night. I sometimes wish I could release my convictions and become one of these people because life seems so much simpler for them.

But I'm not a ditzy blonde. I'm the kind of girl who dies her hair black.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Press-On Tattoos > A Family Affair

8 Weeks to Optimal Health -- Week 4

Okay...I'm gonna plead guilty on this one, BUT I do have mitigating circumstances. (Ah ha! All those years as a legal secretary paid off, didn't they?)

Week 4 went down the drain a little while back. Last week, I spent a lot of time getting ready for school to begin. We'll be back at the books next week, so look for an update on how that's going soon.

Anyway, I didn't keep up with Google Reader most of that time...or housework...or health.

But the Housewife recently linked to me. So, now I have to get going.

Here's how I did on Week Four:

1) Check on your bed, mattress, and sleeping location. Is [anything] interfering with restful sleep? If so, consider making the changes described.
Okay, I’m trying not to be sarcastic, but this is just funny. Anything interfering? Uh, yeah. It’s called a baby. Changes? Well, none for now. Really, I’ve been sleeping really well lately, except for when Ashlyn wakes up, which is still sometimes 2 times a night. Other times, it’s just once. Billy’s also been helping me out as we trade mornings to get up with her at 6 am.

2) Find out about getting an air filter for your home or bedroom if you live in a polluted area or suffer from ailments that might be worsened by inhaled irritants. I’ve had an air purifier for years now, and I really can tell a difference. Ironically, this week I’d been getting headaches, so I turned it off because I realized that I need to replace the ionizer. I have a call in to my supplier to get one of those ASAP.

3) Eat some more garlic this week, in any form that appeals to you. I'm a fan of fresh garlic, but this week, powdered had to do. I do have some fresh in the fridge, but can you believe I was actually too lazy to use it. Wow! How's that for a spoiled brat? Still, one teaspoon of powder equals a clove of garlic, so we used some of that this week.

4) Replace at least two meals of animal protein with soy protein. Made some yummy TVP tacos. Mmmm-mmmm.

5) Be sure that your multivitamin is providing you with the B-complex group. I haven't used my vitamins for a couple of weeks, and boy! Have I been feeling it. B gives us some much-needed nerve energy. And I've been low on that lately. I'm feeling very worn out, which cause me to go to bed at 7:30 last night.

6) Increase your aerobic walk to 25 minutes, 5 days of the week. Again, I'm claiming that my religion forbids walks in the heat. But it is cooling down some, so hopefully this coming week.

7) Do two days of news fasting this week. I actually feel like I need to watch news more. Someone mentioned something about a bridge collapse somewhere in Minnesota (?), and I had no idea what they were talking about. I have no clue these days about the world around me, so I should probably subscribe to a news feed in Google. Then, I can do a fast from it next week!

8) Continue to practice the breathing exercises you have learned. This week you will add a powerful Relaxing Breath that will improve both mental and physical health. I did this stuff with my daughter a bit this week. She can really get herself worked up sometimes, so I thought it would be good to give her some skills to utilize when she gets overly anxious or nervous. It went well. We used an article from that helps bring it to a kids' level.

Well, there we are! Back at it. See ya next week for Week Five.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Eve-Marie!

Seven years ago, my older daughter looked like this:

Here's what she looks like these days:

Happy Birthday, Chica!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bible Journey > Galatians 5:1-12 > Circumcision or Castration?

Freedom is an amazing gift that God gave when Jesus died for us.

But for some reason, it's so freakin' hard to accept. The longer I walk this journey, the more I love my freedom. The more I appreciate the idea of living in relationship with God instead of in religion toward Him.

But on occasion, I'm still tempted to want to follow the rules.

I'm not alone.

In Galatians 5, Paul reminds his brothers that circumcision is no longer necessary. Rather, it is a harmful thing for a new convert to the Dao of Jesus to participate in.

But no matter what Paul preached, he always had people twisting his words. And this point is no different. Some people were claiming that Paul still preached the benefits of circumcision.

His response to such people?

Go castrate yourself.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Letting You Do It Instead

Today I went to the introductory session of the Women's Leadership Institute at my church. I'm excited to the rest of the classes I'll be able to attend (which will be affected by how quickly Billy gets a job).

While giving just a brief overview of the courses, Pat (our Women's Ministry Director) reminded us that we all have unique places in God's kingdom work. And she emphatically encouraged some of us by saying...

If you have small kids at home, that's where your ministry lies. Someone else can do the greeting. Someone else can do anything around the church. No one else can raise those children.
So, I'm encouraged, especially in light of my recent guilt over not serving more. For now, I'm glad to be the one who teaches my children and who raises up new followers of Christ. Soon enough, my baby will be toddling around, and we can go serve together.

But for now, I'll let you do it.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

8 Weeks to Optimal Health -- Week 3

Here we are again. Is this boring for anyone else?

1. Find out where to buy organic produce. Make a commitment to buy only organic.
Hey, Dr. bout if you make a commitment to pay for my overpriced organic produce? It's available everywhere. It's just also twice as much as the chemical laden variety.

2. If you use an electric blanket, stop. Remove electric clock radios from the immediate vicinity of your bed. Buy a pair of UV-protective sunglasses if you don't have any.
Okay, this is getting increasingly hard to follow since I don't have the book. Why do I need to remove the clock from beside my bed??? I mean, while I'm at it, should I duck every time the microwave is turned on?

3. Make a conscious effort to eat an extra serving of fruits and vegetables with at least one meal this week.
I have definitely been doing this. I even ate *gasp* a salad!

4. Eat fish at least twice this week.
I made some super tasty tuna pitas this week. I ate that same thing for 2 meals.

5. Replace at least on serving of meat with a soy food of your choice.
I didn't know what this meant. Does he mean "meat" as in animal muscle? Or "meat" as in beef, pork, deer, and not poultry? Cause sometimes people don't classify poultry as "meat." Regardless, we didn't eat any "hard-core meat" this week, so I didn't substitute any soy. But when a recipe calls for ground beef, I use TVP. It's a soy product, and oh so good!

6. He introduced the benefits of vitamin E and selenium.
Uh, okay.

7. Start stretching.
Billy and I have been doing the Slim and Limber 15-minute video from Slim in 6 Beach Body series. (No, I don't own the whole series. I'm pretty sure I'd be embarrassed if I did.) We've both seen noticeable improvement in our flexibility, and it's a nice relaxing thing for before bed.

8. Add "Letting Yourself Be Breathed" to your breathwork.
Again, I don't have Weil's book, but I was able to find a description of this online, and frankly, this dude's weird. I mean, if the whole phobia of electronics wasn't enough, this one really takes the cake. He tells you here to lie on your back and let the universe breathe into you. Uh, no thanks. I think I'll breathe for myself.

9. Abstain from news at again one day this week.

10. Buy more flowers. Find out how to grow some of your own food.
Didn't buy flowers. I need to bring some in from outside before they all die, though.
As for the I just supposed to find out? Cause I already know how, I just haven't yet set out to do it.

Alright...on to week four.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Love Song for Billy

Last week, Billy posted a Love Song video on his site, so I had to respond in turn. This is a song that I started writing in order to express how happy I was being married to him. It ended up being an apology after a fight. It also happens to be based on 1 Peter 4:8.

the lyrics...

Love covers over us,
Erases the sin,
Eliminates our weaknesses,
Removes from us the pain.
And this love is divine,
But I feel it in your touch.
And when you're close, I believe in God.

Love covers over us,
When we've given up
When we've failed to know what do to,
It's still the only Truth.
And this love is beyond any feeling I have found.
And it keeps me here when I'd rather go.

So, I'm sorry
When my words...
When everything I am is nothing that you deserve.
And I'm sorry
I forget about your love.

For your love is divine,
And I cannot measure up.
But you stay with me,
And I believe.

Friday, August 10, 2007

World's Easiest Cookies

I hate baking. But I have found a recipe for cookies that are not only addictive, but also very simple:

Cake Mix Cookies

1 box cake mix -- any flavor
2 eggs
1/2 c. oil
1/2 cup add-ins (chocolate chips, nuts, sprinkles, whatever) --optional

Mix ingredients and bake for 10 minutes at 350.

The end.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bible Journey > Colossians 3:10

As I slowly plod through my studies, every so often a verse sticks out and compels me to slow down more and really contemplate (and inevitably thanks God for it). The verse that I've been meditating on a lot this week is Colossians 3:10.

I find that as I listen to sermons, read books, or simply have "church" discussions with Billy, I get down on myself more and more that I'm not living up to the standards of who I should be and what I should be doing as a Christian. Now, I'm not talking about works righteousness. I know that I'm righteous through Christ, but I'm talking about the good works that I was created for.

I am currently reading This Beautiful Mess by Rick McKinley, and so many of his words resonate with me. But so many of his ideas only contribute to the guilt that I feel for the amount of money we spend on convenience...the internet, the air conditioning, all the comforts that we take for granted. We spend enough money on our electricity that every month we could buy a goat for a family in India to be able to raise and milk and gain income from.

I'm so far from what I think Christianity lived out is that I often read things like McKinley's book, and rather than feeling inspired, I feel guilty. Why don't I do these things? Why do I talk about service, but use my 6-month-old as an excuse for why I never leave my house?

But Colossians 3:10 was encouraging for me. It reminds me that my newly created self is still in the process of being renewed. That was a comforting thought. The greek word for renewed is in the present participle form, and also importantly in the passive voice. Now what all that grammar lingo (which I absolutely ADORE by the way) means that GOD is at work, right now, in me. And though I have yet to be fully Kingdom-focused, He is constantly renewing me. So, while I'm not yet where I will eventually be, I am on the path, and this faith thing? It isn't a destination.

8 Weeks to Optimal Health -- Week 2

Today marks the end of my 2nd week for this 8-week program by Dr. Weil. I had a little less commitment to it than I did the first week. In fact, I don't even know all the things I was supposed to do, except for eat fish. This is mainly due to the fact that our library doesn't carry his book, so I'm relying on the Housewife to be my guide. So, as I read her posts, I'm tagging along, and basically it's hard for me to get online much when the kiddos are taking my attention. Darn kids. (That was not serious...I love my children like crazy, and I'm super blessed to be able to stay at home with them.)

So, for week three, I'll print out her post so I can follow along better, but for now, here's my progress...

1) Again, eat fish at least once this week and broccoli twice. I did the whole salmon thing again. Tried some Salmon Cakes, and they were pretty good in the taste category. Unfortunately, the recipe didn't have enough moisture, so even after I added an extra 2 Tbsp. of mayo (I'm sure that's super healthy), they were still dry. But once I doused them in ranch dressing, they weren't half bad.

Broccoli is easy. We love it around here.

2) Try to increase your consumption of whole grains. Choose whole grain breads or cereals. Does Frosted Mini-Wheats count?

3) Go to a natural-food store and look through the frozen and refrigerated sections to familiarize yourself with the many different products made from soybeans. Select one to try. No thanks. I did the soy stuff in college and never could get a taste for it. Plus any frozen food from a natural store is beyond obnoxious in the price category.

4) Buy some Japanese or Chinese green tea and try it. If you drink coffee or black tea, try to substitute green tea for some or all of your usual beverages. I've been told not to drink teas while breastfeeding. Just in case weirdo herbs give my baby retarded development. So, I stuck with my coffee, but I do use an all natural sweetener called Stevia.

5) Find out where your drinking water comes from and what impurities it might contain. Stop drinking chlorinated water. Get information about a home water-purifying system. In the meantime, drink bottled water. Our water is gross. It's contaminated with all kindsa crap and calcium. So, we have a water softener and we run tap water through old, overused pitcher filters that probably no longer work. I need to change those.

For the record, I do not agree with bottled water. Sure, I like the idea of the cleanliness of the H2O, but the excess plastic waste is not so appealing. I've gone beyond my allotment of plastic usage with baby food containers, so I cannot justify buying bottled water.

6) Start taking one capsule a day of mixed carotenes with breakfast. I ran out of vitamins this week, and have yet to get some more from my dealer.

7) Increase your daily walk to 15 minutes. Daily walks in 95 degree weather do not agree with me. Again, I spent an hour walking around the grocery store, and it also took forever to walk around the lake where Billy got baptized this weekend, so that was my exercise.

8) Visit a park or some other favorite place in nature. Spend as much time as you can there, doing nothing in particular, just feeling the energy of the place. I wish I had read this advice before the week started, cause I would've loved to make this part of my week.

9) Try a one-day "news fast." Do not read, watch, or listen to any new for a day. This is my lifestyle. I probably need to watch news more.

10) Continue with Breath Observation for five minutes a day. Then, for one minute a day, try to experience the breath cycle, beginning with exhalation and ending with inhalation. nope...I have been focusing on my breath as Billy and I prepare for leading youth in worship tonight.

So, yeah...the inner slacker has come to the forefront. I'm hoping to be a little better at this in the coming week. We shall see.