Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bible Journey > Colossians 3:10

As I slowly plod through my studies, every so often a verse sticks out and compels me to slow down more and really contemplate (and inevitably thanks God for it). The verse that I've been meditating on a lot this week is Colossians 3:10.

I find that as I listen to sermons, read books, or simply have "church" discussions with Billy, I get down on myself more and more that I'm not living up to the standards of who I should be and what I should be doing as a Christian. Now, I'm not talking about works righteousness. I know that I'm righteous through Christ, but I'm talking about the good works that I was created for.

I am currently reading This Beautiful Mess by Rick McKinley, and so many of his words resonate with me. But so many of his ideas only contribute to the guilt that I feel for the amount of money we spend on convenience...the internet, the air conditioning, all the comforts that we take for granted. We spend enough money on our electricity that every month we could buy a goat for a family in India to be able to raise and milk and gain income from.

I'm so far from what I think Christianity lived out is that I often read things like McKinley's book, and rather than feeling inspired, I feel guilty. Why don't I do these things? Why do I talk about service, but use my 6-month-old as an excuse for why I never leave my house?

But Colossians 3:10 was encouraging for me. It reminds me that my newly created self is still in the process of being renewed. That was a comforting thought. The greek word for renewed is in the present participle form, and also importantly in the passive voice. Now what all that grammar lingo (which I absolutely ADORE by the way) means that GOD is at work, right now, in me. And though I have yet to be fully Kingdom-focused, He is constantly renewing me. So, while I'm not yet where I will eventually be, I am on the path, and this faith thing? It isn't a destination.


  1. FOR REAL, for real. Check out my blog too - kinda sounds like we're going thru parallel experiences right now. I'm realizing that it is okay to close chapters that I have already moved from and it's okay to face the future proudly, and even face this moment in expectation of our awesome God and father. And really I'm not just saying that. I kinda feel like I'm starting to "be an adult." Which isn't scary anymore.

  2. Well, I'd love to check out your blog. Unfortunately, I see no link to one, and as I am not a psychic, I will not be able to know the address.

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I don't think Ashlyn is an excuse.

    I mean God calls you to love (in order of priority)

    1. Me :D
    2. Evie/Ashyln
    3. Everyone else.

    You do an AMAZING job of 1 & 2 don't be too hard on yourself for your growth on 3. and your hands feel nice. :)


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