Saturday, August 18, 2007

Letting You Do It Instead

Today I went to the introductory session of the Women's Leadership Institute at my church. I'm excited to the rest of the classes I'll be able to attend (which will be affected by how quickly Billy gets a job).

While giving just a brief overview of the courses, Pat (our Women's Ministry Director) reminded us that we all have unique places in God's kingdom work. And she emphatically encouraged some of us by saying...

If you have small kids at home, that's where your ministry lies. Someone else can do the greeting. Someone else can do anything around the church. No one else can raise those children.
So, I'm encouraged, especially in light of my recent guilt over not serving more. For now, I'm glad to be the one who teaches my children and who raises up new followers of Christ. Soon enough, my baby will be toddling around, and we can go serve together.

But for now, I'll let you do it.


  1. Anonymous12:27 AM

    You make me
    really...really proud girl!

  2. It's true that the time with your mom is so important. i got to spend tons of time with my mom when i was young, and i know a lot of it was her concentrating on ministering to me and i believe it's a lot of the reason i have my faith right now.

  3. hi sarah - billy gave me your blog address tonight. ya know, regarding this post..i have been where you are with a young one and wanting to "serve" but just not being able to. you are serving! and God knows your heart (bet you've heard that already) but you can serve in ministries all your life - you can only raise your little one once, and it's a short, short time! soak in it!

    and the better health thing...the alarm clock one is a bit a very funny sort of way! are you suppose to use a sun dial? have fun with that!


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