Thursday, August 16, 2007

8 Weeks to Optimal Health -- Week 3

Here we are again. Is this boring for anyone else?

1. Find out where to buy organic produce. Make a commitment to buy only organic.
Hey, Dr. bout if you make a commitment to pay for my overpriced organic produce? It's available everywhere. It's just also twice as much as the chemical laden variety.

2. If you use an electric blanket, stop. Remove electric clock radios from the immediate vicinity of your bed. Buy a pair of UV-protective sunglasses if you don't have any.
Okay, this is getting increasingly hard to follow since I don't have the book. Why do I need to remove the clock from beside my bed??? I mean, while I'm at it, should I duck every time the microwave is turned on?

3. Make a conscious effort to eat an extra serving of fruits and vegetables with at least one meal this week.
I have definitely been doing this. I even ate *gasp* a salad!

4. Eat fish at least twice this week.
I made some super tasty tuna pitas this week. I ate that same thing for 2 meals.

5. Replace at least on serving of meat with a soy food of your choice.
I didn't know what this meant. Does he mean "meat" as in animal muscle? Or "meat" as in beef, pork, deer, and not poultry? Cause sometimes people don't classify poultry as "meat." Regardless, we didn't eat any "hard-core meat" this week, so I didn't substitute any soy. But when a recipe calls for ground beef, I use TVP. It's a soy product, and oh so good!

6. He introduced the benefits of vitamin E and selenium.
Uh, okay.

7. Start stretching.
Billy and I have been doing the Slim and Limber 15-minute video from Slim in 6 Beach Body series. (No, I don't own the whole series. I'm pretty sure I'd be embarrassed if I did.) We've both seen noticeable improvement in our flexibility, and it's a nice relaxing thing for before bed.

8. Add "Letting Yourself Be Breathed" to your breathwork.
Again, I don't have Weil's book, but I was able to find a description of this online, and frankly, this dude's weird. I mean, if the whole phobia of electronics wasn't enough, this one really takes the cake. He tells you here to lie on your back and let the universe breathe into you. Uh, no thanks. I think I'll breathe for myself.

9. Abstain from news at again one day this week.

10. Buy more flowers. Find out how to grow some of your own food.
Didn't buy flowers. I need to bring some in from outside before they all die, though.
As for the I just supposed to find out? Cause I already know how, I just haven't yet set out to do it.

Alright...on to week four.


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    the whole deal with the electronics thing is EMFs and apparently they mess with your brain waves, or something, supposedly. Same thing as a cell phone I guess...but yeah, it's altogether just a little toooooo much for me, too. I've cut back on microwave usage though. Just 'cause I don't like the idea of it, I guess.

  2. Yeah, some of it IS kind of wacky. I wish I had more time to research some of his theories behind his fear of electric clocks and such.


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