Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bible Journey > Galatians 5:1-12 > Circumcision or Castration?

Freedom is an amazing gift that God gave when Jesus died for us.

But for some reason, it's so freakin' hard to accept. The longer I walk this journey, the more I love my freedom. The more I appreciate the idea of living in relationship with God instead of in religion toward Him.

But on occasion, I'm still tempted to want to follow the rules.

I'm not alone.

In Galatians 5, Paul reminds his brothers that circumcision is no longer necessary. Rather, it is a harmful thing for a new convert to the Dao of Jesus to participate in.

But no matter what Paul preached, he always had people twisting his words. And this point is no different. Some people were claiming that Paul still preached the benefits of circumcision.

His response to such people?

Go castrate yourself.

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