Thursday, October 25, 2007

And We Have Hot Water...

...just not much.

Showering was not as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be.


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I am so very glad that it wasn't a video of Billy in the shower. Oh so very glad. =)

  2. well at least it's hot, and remember, you learned that you don't need much water to lather up. My shower was ice cold this morning. Eventually I'll get around to calling the gas company and getting that fixed. But think about all the money I'm saving on my gas bill. :)

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    lol - yes, we do try to keep things at least semi-modest around here :)

  4. Great that you have hot water, sad that you have no pressure! Has the issue been resolved yet? It's hard when you look so forward to something returning and then when it does it doesn't live up to its expectations!

  5. The latest on this is that Billy wasted all morning on the phone with Sears, and finally they are supposed to be sending a "tech" out here tomorrow sometime between 1 and 5.

    We'll see what happens.

  6. Hi Sarah!
    I didn't know if you would be checking back in the comments of my blog, as some don't... so i thought I would post this both places: (are you ready???)
    They STILL SELL the Oregon Trail game! You can get it for both Mac and PC. If you get it for PC though, you can download it and then they send a back up disk to you! :) We love it! (although I lose many, many family members to accidental gunshots and cholera...)
    you can get it from


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