Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Don't Know Whatcha Got

So, they say that you don't know what you got till it's gone. It's that whole idea of taking something for granted until you lose it, and then it hits you--that thing that you didn't value meant a whole lot more to you than you ever admitted.

I know that a lot of women have husbands that just don't communicate. I've gotten a little taste of that today.

Now, wait...this is not about our latest fight.

Today, Billy got a wisdom tooth pulled. So, for the rest of the day, he's been unable to talk. This is not as fun for me as one might have thought.

See, usually Billy talks and talks and talks and talks. I mean, really...it's obnoxious. Or at least, I used to think so. But all this quiet is really unnerving, and I miss his handsome voice. So, I'm learning to appreciate him more and more.

We've been using Google Docs to converse. Billy types something, and I respond vocally. It's kinda a slow process, but it's worked so far.

His inability to speak hasn't stopped Billy from interrupting me, though--he simply doesn't wait for me to finish -

Hey wait a sec. This is Billy (I've hacked into Sarah's Blog.) I do not interrupt her. I have no idea what she's talking about.

- talking before he starts to type again.


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM


    You guys are dorks!

    Just like me and Tom! YES!

    (Dude, when I got my wisdom teeth out it was severely insane pain and they put me on Vicodin which was insanely great! I was 17. I swear I've had "hamster cheeks" ever since. Must be the scar tissue. Or I'm just fat. ;) hehe)

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Lol! :)

  3. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Haha we are dorks.

    In fact when Sarah and I were dating, but we didn't want to "date" we tried to come up with creative ways to describe our relationship to each other. After all, we were more that just friends.

    First we were "dorks being dorks together."

    Then we "made each other more punk."

    Finally we were "boyfriend and girlfriend."

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Hahah...I remember the "made each other more punk" statement. If I recall correctly, Sarah used that phrase while we were sitting at one of those round tables on a Sunday morning before worship service.

    Dorks unite!

  5. And now we're "husband and wife," and that has the nicest ring to it.


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