Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Rest of God

I've been taking a look at this old school book called Lord, Make my Life a Miracle, by Ray Ortland. I'm not a big fan so far. I find his tone to be quite condescending, and I typically feel like condescension doesn't go too far to spur on results. (I know that my last post probably fell into the condescension area, so I'm not claiming that I'm past that, yet.)

Anyway, I try to look past his tone to see if he has any valid points, and the truth is that he really does.

One thing that he's been talking about is practicing the presence of God (an idea popularized by Brother Lawerence in his book of the same title). He talks of how he tries to enter God's presence every hour, and how that brings him into a habitual state of focusing on God. So, I've been doing that the last few days.

It's been cool.

In addition, I've been reading Hebrews 4 over and over and over, and thinking about the rest that God offers. This has been bringing a lot of peace to me.

So...I don't know. I guess I don't have any higher purpose for this post to just let you know what I've been doing with God lately. It's been cool. :)


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I am working my way through Brother Lawrence's book right now. Definitely makes you have a different perspective. I also love Hebrews. I think it very well may be my favorite book in the Bible. Cool!

    Hey, we should do like an email or chat bible study or something at a predetermined time each week...your thoughts?

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Oh my gosh, I totally know Ray Ortland. I grew up at the church he attended and in fact,one of my very best friends dated his son. Wow! What a small world. I am glad you are going through the book. I have always been a big fan of books that tell it like it is with no wishy washy standards and belief systems. You go girl!


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