Thursday, October 04, 2007

Volunteer or Servant?

I came across this quote recently:

In a day when women pursue balance as rigorously as they work out, God and his work are relegated to a percentage of time. A culture of volunteerism has emerged, but a heart for ministry has been lost.
Any thoughts?


  1. Interesting. You know, I feel guilty sometimes b/c I don't "volunteer" anywhere specifically.

    But as a member of a church body, ministering to one another is crucial to building up the body of Christ. I watch my pastor's kids on occasion to help them out and make meals for people when they're sick or have a new baby or even just having a hard day.

    I should do more of this, for sure, but your quote is making me realize that that stuff is just as important as official volunteering, perhaps more so?

    Interesting quote.

  2. that is SO TRUE> we micromanage everything. we delegate. I personally have my quiet time, and it fits in my routine. It's like a class... I am recently praying against that heart of routine and structure. Life, ecspecially when kids are involved, often need such guidelines but the heart of a Christian woman doesn't need to function like a day planner...

    This was really thought provoking!

  3. The author continued by saying, "Ministry is messy, never ending, thankless, uncontrollable at times and spills into other percentages of life. Volunteerism is manageable, praiseworthy, and provides a sense of accomplishment."

    --Laurie McIntyre, FullFill Magazine

    Like Misty said..."the heart of a Christian woman doesn't need to function like a day planner."

    I like that, and I very well may steal it. LOL

  4. Anonymous4:22 PM

    servant-heartedness is found at every moment of the day. i think it's almost like a cop-out if you're trying to really grow in your faith but you "schedule" your volunteering and you have to "schedule" your time with God - NOT that having a daily quiet time is bad - especially in the morning to make yourself slow down and focus on what is most important and keep God at the center. but also, i think that everyone's relationship with God is different; in college God really showed me some things, and talked to me about trying to calm down from my typical A-personality: driven, hate to relax/don't know how, scheduled, busy or bored (no middle ground). He showed me that He is present with me every moment - and that He doesn't expect me to be perfect even if I put that requirement on myself, which of course I do but try not to. So my relationship with Him from an early stage panned out into a "walking dialogue" moreso than a "once/twice a day chat."

    I think that the "Stuff" of life that dcrmom brought up is just as important as volunteering as she said. I'm not thinking of "ministering" to someone when I take out the office garbage, when I clean the toilet, when I go over and above at work or sacrifically make dinner for my husband and I (when I really want to be chillin out with him like he is on the couch!). I just do whatever's needed and hopefully God smiles on that, and I guess He is okay with it - haven't heard any complaints. :)


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