Monday, October 15, 2007

Let's Get a Little Creative, Please

I'm a good, obedient blogger. So, when I heard about blog action day, where bloggers are supposed to come together and blog about a topic all on one day, I thought that'd be fun. And here I am doing it.

But when I found out the topic, the only thing I could think was, "Oh, c'mon...can we please be a little less generic?"

I mean, who doesn't hear about the environment five times a day every day?

Now, you guys know from past posts of mine that I try to do my share to conserve energy and cut down on unnecessary fumes from my car. I've definitely had my kicks of going green, and I tend to think of myself as a concerned steward.

But really... isn't there something better out there we could make people aware of? I mean, you get all these people together to create a huge global voice, and environmentalism is all ya can come up with?

What would you have chosen if you were heading this up?


  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    How much I love my smokin' hot wife :)

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I reckon this month it would have been about family life, pregnancy crisis and sexual health stuff. But that's maybe because that's on my brain at the moment preparing for a prayer day on the 40th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion and lots of stuff relating to the laws on embryology, euthanasia, fertility etc very prominent at the moment in the UK!

    But do think as Christians, we forget that God commanded us to care for the environment and it's not separate from caring for people.

  3. Yeah...I just think that it'd be cool to have a topic that isn't in everyone's face all the time. I think that if people want to "get a topic on people's minds" as blog action day website suggests, then it ought to be something that isn't always shoved at them anyway...

    Something like slave trade, or education in the third world, or as Laura suggested crisis pregnancy/sanctity of life issues.

    But, Laura, I don't agree that caring for the environment is the same as caring for people. That kind of statement suggests that the motive behind environmentalism is helping people. It's somewhat related when spoken of in terms of helping our grandchildren have a healthy earth, but maybe we ought to focus as much attention on the people that actually live here now...the 30,000 that are starving to death every single day.

    But honestly, most of the environmentalism that is spouted is more of a religion worshiping Mother Earth (though not in so many words).

    Oh, well. Maybe next year.

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    tee shirt:

    GLOBAL WARMING will you sleep with me?

    I am so SICK of environmental mumbojumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

    If I had a choice I'd go with brunettekoala's choice. Or perhaps, Impressions of Fall (for something less controversial).

    Billy's idea might be too X RATED!!!! OOOOH!

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I do totally agree with what your saying Sarah, but point I was trying to make (unsuccessfully and very inarticulately) is that 'people' and 'environment' are not separate issues. The issues of poverty and the issues with environment are very intertwined...or more the causes behind the issues are??

  6. Laura Anne,
    That's interesting but I'm not sure I know what you mean.

    So...What do you mean?

  7. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "GLOBAL WARMING will you sleep with me?"


    I don't know I thought my idea was pretty cool. If everyone who was married or in a relationship did a post about how much they love their spouse or why they are special. I'd see it as a good thing.

    For some of my friends who are guys it'd be the first time they heard something positive from their wives.

  8. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Yeah, last night I realised that and wrote this huge long comment to try and explain better what I meant and then my computer froze.

    So in essence I'll just be silent on the issue for the moment, and will no doubt blog about it at some point!! :)


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