Sunday, December 21, 2008

Building Church

Well... today we went to a new church, the first of a few on our list to check out in the next month or so. You know how it goes... you gotta make a lap before you commit to a location. (Bonus points if you know what movie that comes from.)

This is the first time that Billy and I have looked for a church together as people who will sit in the crowd. Two churches we've been in have been ones where he's worked. Another was one that I'd gone to on my own for years before he and I met.

So, we hung out at Building Church today, which meets at the Rave Theatre in south Huntsville. I gotta say, I loved the atmosphere. I mean... it was a pretty hip place. Biggest church bathrooms I've ever seen. Very un-churchy in general. So, that's a bonus.

But bathrooms are not what make or break a church, so let's move on.

We got there about 15 minutes early, and I'm pretty sure we were the first ones there besides set-up volunteers. It was a little awkward for me, cause I'd probably rather be in the shadows and sit back and watch... ya know, just observe how they really are, instead of having to wonder if they're actually as nice as they were to me, or was it just a show they give the newcomers? (Yes... I'm a cynic. Sorry, but I am. And honestly, I'm not even sorry for it, at all.)

Anyway, the service was starting at 10, and I felt like we were still the only ones. Apparently, everyone comes about 15 minutes late, because by then the place was filled a bit more, and I felt more comfortable... I had people around me, so I no longer felt like I had lights shining on me with big arrows saying, "Attention!!! First Time Visitor. HERE!!!"

And honestly, as uncomfortable as I was at first, I ended up really liking the service a lot. I thought the band rocked pretty good. The sermon was really, really good, too. And encouraging. I liked how the pastor focused on the truth that we are fulfilled in Christ. The sermon had a good balance of scriptural encouragement and practical applications.

We were also happy to hear about the missional projects that the church was taking on for the season, including making and delivering build-a-bears (they called them "Building Bears," which I thought they pulled off pretty well... didn't come across as cheesy at all, honestly) to kids in Huntsville Hospital over Christmas.

Honestly, I wanted to sign up to take some of the bears. I know very clearly that they are going at 1:00 on Wednesday. But, I want to take time to see where we fit in, and I'm not really sure how much we should do at a church before we commit to it, ya know.

So, I took my free shirt and my candle - they were giving these to everyone, not just visitors - and we headed out. I feel pretty certain that when I burn the candles, or when I wear the shirt, I'll have fond thoughts of the church, even if we don't end up there. And I certainly feel like it's a place I'd tell others to check out to see if God has a place for them there.

You can read Billy's take on the experience here.


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    the bear thing sounds so cool!

    Although me, being the selfish person I am, is thinking...could I pass for a sick child? because I want a bear!!

    What was the free shirt for?

  2. The free shirt was a shirt with their logo on it and a super cool design around it.

    I took a picture, but our camera is currently refusing to upload pictures, so I couldn't post it.

  3. I'm movie-impaired (mostly), so I have no idea what the quote comes from.

    My husband & I also have never chosen a church together; our current congregation was his choice, and I grew to love it after a few months. :) But I'm glad to hear that your first stop was so encouraging.

    Also, cynical does not equal bad, no matter what the perpetually-cheery people say.

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Stroker Ace?

    At any rate, as someone whose wife was previously employed by our church, it really took all the "passion" out of church for me. The "required" tithing, the "required" 20% unpaid overtime/volunteer hours (is that even LEGAL?), her leaving out of services 10 minutes early to "work", her having to work during church social functions.... I know that's really all MY problem to deal with, but it kind of made me bitter. It's nice now to be at a new church where we can sit back, worship, and enjoy God together..

    I now have a new respect for church employees, though.

    My advice? Take this time to sit back, worship together and ENJOY IT.

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    OK, after reading Billy's blog about the danger of "Taking a Break"...I guess I should explain. If you still feel lead to serve, then, by all means, DO SO, and stay active a plugged in.

    But, my advice was more to be able to use this time to both be TOGETHER (on the OTHER SIDE of the stage) during services.

    I dunno, I guess I'm just a big "worship" guy, and it's always meant a lot to me in my OWN spiritual walk to be able to share that time completely with my wife!

    Does this make sense?

  6. Dusty,

    Yep... makes sense, and I've definitely had to work through a lot of my own bitterness about my husband working during church social things or whatever. But it's gotten a lot better through conversation, prayer, and just basic growing up.

    I miss worshiping with Billy leading, but it has been nice to worship together. Right now, though, I'm more at a place where I want my family to be growing and serving throughout the week.

    So, I'm praying for a church that will encourage us to live out our faith.

    I'm sure you probably read Billy's post about the 4 top things we're looking for in a church. If not, here it is.


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