A little while ago, at small group, Billy and I somehow started quoting the Jesus videos. The rest of the group wondered what the heck we were doing, and I told them I'd send a link to the videos so they could check them out for themselves, but I realized that these are just so funny that everyone ought to see them. And since EVERYONE reads my blog...
Here's a taste of them...
Vintage21 Jesus Video 4
More can be found at the Jesus Videos myspace page.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Vanity and Values > The Girl Scout Impact

As I noted in my last post, I lost my wallet a couple of weeks ago. I kept hoping it would turn up, but alas... nothing.
So, I headed to the BMV for a new license.
For a variety of reasons, my pic turned out less than attractive. This is a bummer cause my last driver's license was totally (and I mean totally) cute.
Anyway, the main thing I was bummed about was how chubby I looked. I've been working out religiously for the last few months, using both weights and cardio machines. So, to look overweight still was a hard pill to swallow.
So, I did what any reasonable girl would do when she's upset about her weight: I ate a handful of Girl Scout cookies....and then I ate another one.
And this got me thinking.
The Girl Scouts say that their cookie selling program is a beneficial thing that teaches girls about commitment, hard work, and the entrepreneurial spirit.
But I submit that it's really teaching girls to take advantage of people by selling addictive products that are harmful to the consumers. I mean, really, in this day where most of America is obese, isn't there some kind of more useful product that they could use to teach the values they're trying to impart?
For instance, a kid from our local high school came by recently selling mulch. What a brilliant idea. Selling mulch is a good way to beautify the community and to not make people fat. Rather, spreading mulch is physical activity that promotes health. You get your heart rate up a bit, and definitely work out your arms and back. Not to mention the benefits of spending time outdoors.
So, why can't the Girl Scouts do something that's a little more beneficial?
So, I headed to the BMV for a new license.
For a variety of reasons, my pic turned out less than attractive. This is a bummer cause my last driver's license was totally (and I mean totally) cute.
Anyway, the main thing I was bummed about was how chubby I looked. I've been working out religiously for the last few months, using both weights and cardio machines. So, to look overweight still was a hard pill to swallow.
So, I did what any reasonable girl would do when she's upset about her weight: I ate a handful of Girl Scout cookies....and then I ate another one.
And this got me thinking.
The Girl Scouts say that their cookie selling program is a beneficial thing that teaches girls about commitment, hard work, and the entrepreneurial spirit.
But I submit that it's really teaching girls to take advantage of people by selling addictive products that are harmful to the consumers. I mean, really, in this day where most of America is obese, isn't there some kind of more useful product that they could use to teach the values they're trying to impart?
For instance, a kid from our local high school came by recently selling mulch. What a brilliant idea. Selling mulch is a good way to beautify the community and to not make people fat. Rather, spreading mulch is physical activity that promotes health. You get your heart rate up a bit, and definitely work out your arms and back. Not to mention the benefits of spending time outdoors.
So, why can't the Girl Scouts do something that's a little more beneficial?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Never Too Old to Learn

As my 29th birthday fast approaches, I'm feeling the weight of age in various. I look in the mirror and see maturing eyes. I get out of bed with a back ache. I get more weighed down with life and find less care-free fun.
But my recent trip to Huntsville reminded me that we never get too old to learn new things.
Here's some of the knowledge I have after this last week:
1. You need your driver's license for more than just driving.
I went to Huntsville this last week to find an apartment. We sold our house last week (how's that for a big announcement?) and I was eager to have a new home to look forward to. Unfortunately, all the apartment complexes require a photo ID before viewing their apartments. No one could tell me "WHY" they needed one; it was just company policy.
A photo ID was also required for me to use a guest pass that my friend, Kristin, got for me at her gym. So, I didn't get to work out this week, either.
2. The Ohio River Valley isn't the worst place for sinuses after all.
The Tennessee Valley, however, is. Headaches abounded in the Chia clan.
3. Built-in U-turns are ingenious.
The designers of closed-access roads everywhere would do well to learn from those who put together Memorial Parkway in Huntsville. Here, you have the best of both worlds with interstate overpasses and side streets that run parallel to the highway. But the problem comes when you really need to turn into a business on the other side of the interstate. Wait! No, problem at all. Simply continue to the next traffic signal and get in the U-turn lane.
4. It's not worth it to say what you're feeling when you're overly tired.
Let's leave it here: It's harder to heal hurt feelings than it is to just keep your mouth shut in the first place.
5. Christians aren't the only ones that do things wrong.
With Billy being in church leadership, a lot of our conversation has to do with ways the Church reaches out. Billy reads a lot of different blogs, and we've both read books on "doing church" (I detest that phrase, by the way). The frustrating thing about saturating oneself in such content is that you have to filter through so much stuff about how crappy the Church is -- from not understanding non-Christian's needs (uh...last time I checked, they needed Jesus) to not marketing itself to today's generation (whole websites are devoted to this concept). So, when we had to drive around in apartment complexes for 5 minutes before we found signs for the rental office, it was a relief to see that the problem is a "humanity issue" not a "Christian issue."
But my recent trip to Huntsville reminded me that we never get too old to learn new things.
Here's some of the knowledge I have after this last week:
1. You need your driver's license for more than just driving.
I went to Huntsville this last week to find an apartment. We sold our house last week (how's that for a big announcement?) and I was eager to have a new home to look forward to. Unfortunately, all the apartment complexes require a photo ID before viewing their apartments. No one could tell me "WHY" they needed one; it was just company policy.
A photo ID was also required for me to use a guest pass that my friend, Kristin, got for me at her gym. So, I didn't get to work out this week, either.
2. The Ohio River Valley isn't the worst place for sinuses after all.
The Tennessee Valley, however, is. Headaches abounded in the Chia clan.
3. Built-in U-turns are ingenious.
The designers of closed-access roads everywhere would do well to learn from those who put together Memorial Parkway in Huntsville. Here, you have the best of both worlds with interstate overpasses and side streets that run parallel to the highway. But the problem comes when you really need to turn into a business on the other side of the interstate. Wait! No, problem at all. Simply continue to the next traffic signal and get in the U-turn lane.
4. It's not worth it to say what you're feeling when you're overly tired.
Let's leave it here: It's harder to heal hurt feelings than it is to just keep your mouth shut in the first place.
5. Christians aren't the only ones that do things wrong.
With Billy being in church leadership, a lot of our conversation has to do with ways the Church reaches out. Billy reads a lot of different blogs, and we've both read books on "doing church" (I detest that phrase, by the way). The frustrating thing about saturating oneself in such content is that you have to filter through so much stuff about how crappy the Church is -- from not understanding non-Christian's needs (uh...last time I checked, they needed Jesus) to not marketing itself to today's generation (whole websites are devoted to this concept). So, when we had to drive around in apartment complexes for 5 minutes before we found signs for the rental office, it was a relief to see that the problem is a "humanity issue" not a "Christian issue."
Monday, February 11, 2008
Book Meme

Freezing Jessica over at Pianomomsicle tagged me to do a book meme. How fitting, since I just so happen to love books.
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
" 'I know intellectually that God loves me, but I've had great trouble feeling that He cares on an emotional level. It took me well into midlife and the experience of a significant crisis before I came to believe in my deepest heart that my God really loves me.'
"In truth, God is a comforting, responsive parent."
--The Power of Mother Love, by Brenda Hunter PhD
I tag Misty, Kara, Katie, Trish, and CS (who doesn't have a blog, but I know you read mine, and you can comment!!!).
Here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
" 'I know intellectually that God loves me, but I've had great trouble feeling that He cares on an emotional level. It took me well into midlife and the experience of a significant crisis before I came to believe in my deepest heart that my God really loves me.'
"In truth, God is a comforting, responsive parent."
--The Power of Mother Love, by Brenda Hunter PhD
I tag Misty, Kara, Katie, Trish, and CS (who doesn't have a blog, but I know you read mine, and you can comment!!!).
A Return to the Day
Back in the day, I used to wear a Harley Davidson wallet on a chain -- oh yeah, I was hardcore.
Sometime nearing my college graduation, I decided that growing up included ditching the chain.
This weekend, I lost my wallet.
I have looked everywhere for this wallet, to no avail.
If it doesn't turn up in the next couple of days, I guess I'll have to replace it, and I'm seriously considering bringing the chain back.
Sometime nearing my college graduation, I decided that growing up included ditching the chain.
This weekend, I lost my wallet.

I have looked everywhere for this wallet, to no avail.
If it doesn't turn up in the next couple of days, I guess I'll have to replace it, and I'm seriously considering bringing the chain back.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Are You For Real!
Remember "magic brownies" from your college days? They are now available in stores!

Can't wait to try these!
HT: My hippie mom
Can't wait to try these!
HT: My hippie mom
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
And the Winner Is...
So, none of you knew that I was having a contest. Heck, I didn't know it until today, but Misty awarded me with an Excellence Award today. So keeping in tradition, it's now my turn to send some love out, too.

My first award goes to Billy, as the hottest blogger award.
Next, is Stuck in Stuff by Dave Bruno. He gets the award for the most inspiring challenge. Go check out his ideas.
Lastly, my great friends Amanda and Wes get an award for the least frequent posting.

My first award goes to Billy, as the hottest blogger award.
Next, is Stuck in Stuff by Dave Bruno. He gets the award for the most inspiring challenge. Go check out his ideas.
Lastly, my great friends Amanda and Wes get an award for the least frequent posting.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Top 3 Sentiments that Made Me Fall in Love Over E-mail
With Valentine's Day coming up, I have been thinking about love. With Billy in Alabama, I've been revisiting our days of long distance dating.
Put those two together and you get a quick post to see what exactly I fell in love with 2 1/2 years ago.
These are 3 of my favorite sound bites from e-mails that Billy sent me during the summer of 2005.
Put those two together and you get a quick post to see what exactly I fell in love with 2 1/2 years ago.
These are 3 of my favorite sound bites from e-mails that Billy sent me during the summer of 2005.
"I think we both kinda have the idea that you don't date someone with out it being a preparation for marriage. Like we'd be intentional about dating as to focus it to prepare in that way. It would mean respecting each other and not having sex and if we felt we didn't want to marry the other person to break off the dating. (I'm really sorry for talking about marriage I know that freaks you out.)"#2
"So the end point of this is that you are 1500 times cooler than ever imagined a girl could be. You are intelligent and funny and your faith is amazingly dynamic. Through the stories you share I see that you are forgiving and caring and even in like the four pictures that I've seen of you, you are very beautiful. (I really mean that, I know there's an insecure girl inside of you that doesn't think so. She probably tells you that you don't look like the models on TV. I don't really go along with the world's definition of beauty. I've kinda got my own and I don't know how to describe it other than you are it.) "And the #1 reason I fell in love with Billy over the internet was the following sentence that he wrote as he was debating when to move our relationship forward to a face-to-face meeting. It kept me laughing for literally months afterward.
"The romantic kid would drive all night to come see you; unfortunately so would the creepy, obsessed internet guy. "
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Giving Girls a Real Choice

Sorry if my blog has been too full of abortion talk lately. But between raunchy celebrations of death and animal rights activists who won't defend the unborn human, it's been on my mind.
It's really sad that organizations like Planned Parenthood and NOW play abortion off as a women's rights issue. We're inundated with the message that they just want the woman to be given a choice.
But the truth is that most women who get abortions do so because they feel like they have no other choice.
I saw this a couple years back, as I volunteered as a crisis pregnancy counselor.
There were 3 main fears that push a girl toward having an abortion:
1. She was afraid her boyfriend would leave her if she carried the baby to term.
2. She was afraid her parents would kick her out of the house if they found out.
3. She was afraid that she would never be able to see her dreams to fruition.
I will admit that these are hard possibilities to look in the face. But I have a healthy handful of friends who have triumphed over fears and chosen to carry their baby in spite of it.
I myself did it, too.
What we've found is that motherhood (and particularly unplanned single motherhood) does more to show the strength of a woman than abortion politics ever could.
We've found:
1. That our relationship with the controlling man or the irresponsible father wasn't healthy. It was holding us back from finding fulfillment.
2. That education and single motherhood are not mutually exclusive. It's hard, but I finished school, and so many others have, too.
3. That being a parent is the most difficult and rewarding occupation.
It takes more energy, more creativity, more understanding, more sensitivity, more discipline, more determination, more of everything than any other field.
It also yields more love, more strength, more confidence, and more purpose than any other field.
4. That dreams don't have to die. They need only be modified to include more people.
5. That your natural family may desert you when you don't live up to their standards, but the family of God is loving. And there will always be people in a church somewhere that want to patiently help you succeed.
6. That hard working single moms deserve the government assistance that they get. And it's not a shameful thing to take charity for the sake of your family.
Women need to be told that they do have a choice, and it's not limited to sacrificing their child to the goddess of women's rights.
For another voice on this topic, check out Laura Anne's guest post on helping girls make an informed choice.
It's really sad that organizations like Planned Parenthood and NOW play abortion off as a women's rights issue. We're inundated with the message that they just want the woman to be given a choice.
But the truth is that most women who get abortions do so because they feel like they have no other choice.
I saw this a couple years back, as I volunteered as a crisis pregnancy counselor.
There were 3 main fears that push a girl toward having an abortion:
1. She was afraid her boyfriend would leave her if she carried the baby to term.
2. She was afraid her parents would kick her out of the house if they found out.
3. She was afraid that she would never be able to see her dreams to fruition.
I will admit that these are hard possibilities to look in the face. But I have a healthy handful of friends who have triumphed over fears and chosen to carry their baby in spite of it.
I myself did it, too.
What we've found is that motherhood (and particularly unplanned single motherhood) does more to show the strength of a woman than abortion politics ever could.
We've found:
1. That our relationship with the controlling man or the irresponsible father wasn't healthy. It was holding us back from finding fulfillment.
2. That education and single motherhood are not mutually exclusive. It's hard, but I finished school, and so many others have, too.
3. That being a parent is the most difficult and rewarding occupation.
It takes more energy, more creativity, more understanding, more sensitivity, more discipline, more determination, more of everything than any other field.
It also yields more love, more strength, more confidence, and more purpose than any other field.
4. That dreams don't have to die. They need only be modified to include more people.
5. That your natural family may desert you when you don't live up to their standards, but the family of God is loving. And there will always be people in a church somewhere that want to patiently help you succeed.
6. That hard working single moms deserve the government assistance that they get. And it's not a shameful thing to take charity for the sake of your family.
Women need to be told that they do have a choice, and it's not limited to sacrificing their child to the goddess of women's rights.
For another voice on this topic, check out Laura Anne's guest post on helping girls make an informed choice.
Friday, February 01, 2008
On the Murder of Cats
She hoped that I would rescue these cats and allow them to be placed with a good family in a barn. She was quite attached as she'd been feeding its parents for a year already. The rest of the family had been captured and relocated; this grey one was the only one left.
I explained to her that I'd already called Animal Control, and they had a cage in my back yard. Honestly, I didn't care if Animal Control killed this cat or not. I just wanted it to stop living in my crawl space, defecating on my property and stinking up my house in the meantime.
She gave me the number of a woman who would come out to save these cats instead of kill them, and I agreed that I would call this woman.
Here's a bit of our conversation:
Jamie: Hello?
Me: Can I speak to Jamie?
Jamie: This is Jamie.
Me: Hi, I got your name from my neighbor who said you could come out to trap this cat in my yard.
Jamie: Are you the one with the cage in the yard?
Me: Yeah, I called Animal Control and they brought that out.
Jamie *sneering*: They're just going to kill it. Is that what you want?
Me: I don't really care. I mean, my neighbor wants them to be saved, so if you want to come out, you can. She said you could get these cats for me.
Jamie: Well, I can't come tonight, and I don't know how you can want these cats to be killed.
Me: Well, I don't want them to be killed. But I already have this cage, so if the cat goes into, then...
Jamie: I can put these cats in a home and you just want to call animal control and have them killed.
Me: Look, I'm telling you...you have my permission to come in my yard and save the cats if you want. But I have to get this cage back to animal control, and if the cat's in it in the morning, then I'll let them take it. If you want it, you can come and save it. I don't care either way.
Jamie *growing in intensity*: I don't understand why you want to let animal control kill this cat.
Me *getting flustered*: Oh my gosh! I'm not an evil person. I didn't invent stray cats so I could kill them! I just don't really care what animal control does. I just want them out of my crawl space.
Jamie: Don't you have a cover for your crawl space? Can't you shut it?
Me: Yeah, I do, but you know...the plumber that got in my crawl space last fall didn't tell me that he didn't close it. So, look...you can come or you don't have to. I don't care. I already have the cage, and it doesn't matter to me who gets the cat.
Jamie: I could take that cat to a home, and animal control is just going to kill it.
Me: Well, you know... 4,000 humans are killed everyday through abortion.
Her response?
Something is seriously wrong with that picture.
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