Thursday, January 04, 2007

Provisional Blessings

So, anyone who knows me knows abouot the impending arrival. I'm not sure you all know that the date has been most likely moved up. Due to complications in Eve-Marie's delivery, this pregnancy is considered "high risk" so they will likely be inducing me sometime in the next week and a half or so. I'm excited, although I'd really like to go into natural labor. (Please pray with us for that!)

Anyway, things have been hectic around here lately trying to prepare. I had all my good intentions of getting things ready before Christmas so I could settle down and enjoy the holiday without the added stress of lingering "to-do" items. Somehow, I pushed all those to-do's out of my mind during the last couple weeks and had a GREAT holiday. But now, I'm paying the price, darn it!

Still, it's hard to feel upset about it because God has been so good to us throughout this pregnancy. I wish I had some kind of tally of how much he's showered on far as as in how much money he's saved us just because he's so cool.

First and most expensive is the medical coverage that he provided to us. We qualified for some aid that allowed 100% of my medical bills and Ashlyn's first year of medical bills to be covered. This is a continuing blessing as we don't have to add her to our pathetic insurance policy for a nice $40 a month.

So, let's see..

Medical coverage: $10,000

Beyond that, the only things that I've actually spent money on so far are painting supplies for the room. We had friends give us some used large ticket items, such as...

Swing: $90
Changing Table: $150
Playpen/Bassinet: $130
1st year wardrobe: $300
Walker: $45
Crib Set (blanket, lamp, valance, crib skirt): $150

Friends also showered me with presents last night at my shower, which was awesome. We got great practical things like a changing table pad and plug protectors. We also got some fun stuff like LOTS of socks, some outfits, and lotions. Billy's family also sent some things at Christmas for Ashlyn, things like sleepers, bath supplies, and the like.

Shower gifts combined: $500

The rest of what I have has come from the Evansville Christian Life Center. They have a program called "Love for Life" that gives Baby Buck to expectant mothers upon completion of classes, homework and doctor's visits. I worked hard at accomplishing a lot there, and I was able to get lots of things, like...

Baby Carrier: $90
Transitional Carseat:$100
2 Bouncers: $60
New Breast Pump: $35
Play Gym: $50
Diapers: $75
Tons of Linens, such as blankets, washcloths, burp cloths, sleepers, onesies: $I have no idea.

The point is this: Paul says if you're gonna boast, boast in Christ. God has provided in amazing ways for us in the last nine months, and I detail all of this to encourage anyone else to know that God's bank doesn't have a limit. He owns the universe, and He can supply all our needs. Praise God that he does it!

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