Monday, January 22, 2007

Knowing Happiness

Ashlyn and I are home tonight while Billy works and Eve-Marie tumbles in the gymnastics arena. And I have the opportunity to marvel at the gift of life. And the gift of happiness.

2 years ago, if anyone had asked me, I would have told them that I was happy...because I was. Eve and I were established in our home, I had a new job that I was loving, and I felt beyond content with the progress of my success both at home and work. My faith was stronger than ever before because of the previous summer's trial of losing my old job and seeing God provide.

Then Billy came along. On March 11, 2006, we married, and I realized that I had been happy before, but this happy that I was then feeling was an amazing new happy that I hadn't yet known. Billy didn't "complete" me. God had done that already. But Billy added this new dimension of love to my life. And with that came a new dimension of happiness.

So, here comes this other new life, and I wonder now how we existed before Ashlyn was here. Perfectly happily, but somehow now that she's here, I know that there's more happiness to be had. And she brought it to us.

I know I'll never capture the feelings that I feel for this newest creature and the effect she has on our whole family. But happy is the only word for it.

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